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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 4th, 2024


  • It’s actually crazy how low the percentage of people under like… forty is now that actually gets their news direct from a news site. Seriously, i don’t know a single person from like 20-35 who actually just goes on the NPR or C-SPAN app or whatever.

    It kind of sucks. So much news is just reading the headline and seeing a photo now. And I just feel like there’s something bad about being able to see a comment section on Twitter or Reddit or even Lemmy now on every news event. Makes for a lot more group think rather than just reading the news and going “huh”

  • “Well, fair enough, but we already know the miasma caused by fetid odors is what causes illness, not to mention the spontaneous generation causing all sorts of parasites to rise from the dust” -some guy in 1256

    I’m not trying to be mean to you, but this type of subject and analysis is just at a different kind of “level” of research than the very basic cause-> effect observational type of science. We can isolate out factors you’ve mentioned (such as air quality, diet, etc) and still look around at purely built environment factors and see how much it impacts health. “We’ve run the numbers and determined that having a sidewalk outside of your house lowers your lifetime health expenditures by $1230, and we can extrapolate that data to give to cities so they can make better decisions on how they plan housing areas” is a pretty huge ability to have. And that’s an “obvious” kind of result! Maybe they find a correlation between having a biodeverse lawn and longevity/health! We simply do not know, and this tech lets us get a bit closer.

  • “Well, fair enough, but we already know the miasma caused by fetid odors is what causes illness, not to mention the spontaneous generation causing all sorts of parasites to rise from the dust” -some guy in 1256

    I’m not trying to be mean to you, but this type of subject and analysis is just at a different kind of “level” of research than the very basic cause-> effect observational type of science. We can isolate out factors you’ve mentioned (such as air quality, diet, etc) and still look around at purely built environment factors and see how much it impacts health. “We’ve run the numbers and determined that having a sidewalk outside of your house lowers your lifetime health expenditures by $1230, and we can extrapolate that data to give to cities so they can make better decisions on how they plan housing areas” is a pretty huge ability to have. And that’s an “obvious” kind of result! Maybe they find a correlation between having a biodeverse lawn and longevity/health! We simply do not know, and this tech lets us get a bit closer.

  • I really don’t like cases like this, nor do I like how much the legal system seems to be pushing “guilty by proxy” rulings for a lot of school shooting cases.

    It just feels very very very dangerous and ’going to be bad’ to set this precedent where when someone commits an atrocity, essentially every person and thing they interacted with can be held accountable with nearly the same weight as if they had committed the crime themselves.

    Obviously some basic civil responsibility is needed. If someone says “I am going to blow up XYZ school here is how”, and you hear that, yeah, that’s on you to report it. But it feels like we’re quickly slipping into a point where you have to start reporting a vast amount of people to the police en masse if they say anything even vaguely questionable simply to avoid potential fallout of being associated with someone committing a crime.

    It makes me really worried. I really think the internet has made it easy to be able to ‘justifiably’ accuse almost anyone or any business of a crime if a person with enough power / the state needs them put away for a time.

  • Super, super impressive.

    Most web apps, especially social media - get that peak and then have this huge falloff (see Threads for a particularly grisly example). Lemmy seems really good at keeping its user base.

    It reminds me that I need to contribute posts more often myself. I’m think the only reason I ever go back to reddit is that it has some specialized subs we just don’t have here yet. But sometimes you have to start posting to an audience of 0 to get things going.

  • Very much agree on all fronts. I think articles like this in part often spring up just because… a great deal of people enjoy clamoring around some “haha evil tiktok is finally ending!!, but it’s just… not really the case and tiktok being more “evil” than any other major app is really not substantiated in my view.

    There definitely have been some changes. I absolutely get more “non ad-ads” in my feed (as in, content that is clearly being paid for but not marked as an advertisement and played off as organic content), though I’m not even sure if this is really the apps “fault” as much as it is creators.