• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Shoplifitng is a direct challenge to private property. That in itself is the bases of capitalism. Hence you would get cops guarding Walmart, if it became to common.

    However it is also not a practise, which shows a workable alternative. At least shoplifting does not have a clear obvious way to distinguish between what you actually need and what you just want to have. Taking what you want, is just not workable with limited resources.

  • A good number of reddit subs related to politics used very very heavy moderation to keep bots out. Many required a certain number of karma, time on reddit or similar to post on in the first place… It did not alwawys work and can lead to bubbles. Obviously so can just insulting other users. I would give it a try with some controversial memes. Something like Biden and Trump are the same. That usually gets some really bad discussions.

    Setting up a community to explain bans is not needed. The mods of a community are public, so it is easy to just message them.

  • 2.11 is very clear about abolishing all labor laws. 1.0 is very clear about "Individuals are inherently free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. " hence slave contracts are legal, as long as you do sell yourself for any reason. The rest is just pure and simple logic. States are one of the systems redistributing wealth, obviously not perfectly, but richer people are supposed to pay more taxes then the poor. The rest is distributed via social security, which the Libertarian Party is against as stated in 2.13 and 2.14. With contracts being enforced and no limits on contracts being placed, they replace many current laws. Hence you get an aristocratic class. Eve worse 3.7 expressly allows for governments to be completely ignored, if they hurt their freedoms.

    I have no doubt that most libertarians are actually good people and mostly are pissed at a lot of stupid government rules, which are absolutely real. However it is like a lot of things an overreaction, which could hurt a lot of people.

  • You mean abolish all labor laws and enforce all contracts to the letter by the government. We know that this is going to lead to company towns, slave contracts and similar setups. We had those everywhere before the workers won those laws. You end up with a capitalist class ruling everything in a nearly aristrocatic fashion. This is already the case in many ways, but this would make it so much worse.

  • We have cooperatives in a lot of forms being part of our existing system. This is in the form of housing coops, cooperative banks, cooperative stores and worker owned companies. All of them survive and some even thrive in our current system. Mostly they are growing slowly, if at all, but are much more stable and fiscally conservative. They can even work very well on natural monopolies as utility cooperatives have shown.

    There are also legal setups like trusts, which can be very benefitial, if done right.

  • Probably, but we most certainly can afford to have miniumum basic services using some form of UBI or mix it with some public housing and other forms of direct material support. There is also nothing wrong with actual work for the most part and we absolutly can provide benefits to people that are willing to take on some tasks. Right now most rich countries have unemployment benefits already, which cover a lot of that.

  • Just to say it the Lower Saxony example is not quite correct. The situation is that they started using Solaris a Unix system in the 90s in the tax department. When Solaris was no longer really developed, they opted to switch to Linux, as it was easier to migrate. However to unify German states tax departments, the previous state government opted to move to Windows. However the migration has so far failed. Mainyl due to the systems never having been designed for Windows in the first place. The other large user of Linux in Lower Saxony is the police and although they migrated from Windows to save some money, they too had problems migrating back as it was just too difficult.

    That is just the reality of it. Software is sticky and once you migrate it often stays. Even when politicans do not like that.