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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • Float-tanks are this:

    Imagine a bigger-than-normal bathtub, so you can sprawl-out ( arms & lega akimbo ) without hitting the sides…

    the water-density is upped with brine, instead of plain water ( the float-tanks place I used to go to used sacks of “bitter salts” & the texture of the brine was damn-near oily, and DO NOT EVER shave shortly before going into a brine-soak, or you’re going to discover what stinging really means )

    also it is brought up to a person’s body-temperature, or close to it.

    When there’s no temperature-difference, & you’re floating sooo high that drowning is much less likely ( the Dead Sea is probably the prototype for all float-tanks, btw ), & you aren’t bumping into the walls, then you’re in blissful sensory-deprivation ( total dark, too, obviously, probably use a timer, limit it to 2h max ), & meditation can be awesome in these conditions.

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  • The amount of power you could pull from a single square metre of solar on the roof wouldn’t increase your range meaningfully.

    What it would do, is that you could possibly keep your starter-battery from going dead-flat if you left your car alone for a 1/2 month, in the summer ( snow would cover it, obviously ), & since bringing a lead-acid battery to dead-flat permanently-damages it, this would prevent costly problems for the car-owners.

    ( this happened to a friend with a Prius: had to replace the battery, and the damned thing was inside the rear wheel-well??? in a little compartment.

    Origami-engineering’s … simultaneously incredible & stupidly-frustrating )

    I’ve held for years that they should be doing it to keep the starter-battery trickle-charging, but … why make the customers have fewer costly/frustrating problems?

  • Any organization which establishes its vision/mission/culture and then, much later forms a committee about safety…

    isn’t going to change.

    the committee is a “bandaid”: cosmetic, only.

    Organizational-culture is set right at the beginning, & to change it, you have to do a grass-roots campaign, that includes everybody, until the grass-roots motivations themselves force-turn-the-tide.

    This is 95%-certain to be appearances-only.

    iirc, GE did an actual culture-change accomplishment: their CEO set up a system where the low-level managers went on retreats/workshops, and the result of those workshop/retreats was that they had to come up with a way of improving things in their part of the company…

    ( the problem this program was fighting was the top-down culture-of-authority-and-no-adapting )

    Their boss had to OK or disallow their solution on the spot, when they got out, I think…

    Once enough percentage of the low-level managers had been through the process, then the tide turned, & became a tsunami of change, wiping-out all obstacling before it.

    Notice the difference, though:

    a committee won’t produce culture-change.

    Grass-roots can, but it has to be done correctly.

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  • Honestly consider which kind of antidote would work best, for that specific kind of poisonous-meaning.

    Just a couple of examples, to “prime the pump”, as it were…

    IF the poison were white-supremacist evil, THEN the antidote might be that guy … Daryl is his name, perhaps, who deliberately makes friends with KKK people, & gets them to honestly change.

    ( if there ever was an example of what the ultra-woke socialist felon Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph meant, in his relationships with people, this guy is demonstrating it. : )

    IF the poison is the psychopathic machiavellianism of for-profit-corporations, THEN the antidote might be that investigative journalism exists, & deliberately reading “The Elements of Journalism” ( 4th edition, now, I think ), & helping to get other citizens-of-our-world competent in understanding journalism, & how it is the immune-system our world needs, right now.

    IF the poison is child-abuse … THEN … this one’s difficult: it hurts too deep, doesn’t it? … then … simultaneously protection for children ( like that operation which liberated a whole bunch of girls from a trafficking-ring, the other year, or like help-lines for children, so they’ve got a lifeline to call, or like organizations/people who systematically make-accountable the perpetrators, reducing the number of them who are out ), those ( individual & institutional ) who force-the-perpetrators into visibility, thus “removing their accommodation”, to be … diplomatic … about it, or lobbying for better legislation, or making-certain that therapy is both available and successful for survivors of abuse ( some “charities” just purport to do good, & obliterate opportunity while consuming resources padding their administration’s ass by design, & torpedoing those scum would improve our world, markedly )

    Anyways, you need to discern which antidote you need to be applying, & you need to understand that some lives get caught in stuff sooo horrific that even witnessing it can mangle a life…

    That is the actual current condition of our world, our ocean-of-lives.

    To alter our world, our world’s ocean-of-lives, we need to deliberately turn the tide, and that means forcing the tide to go against the way that DarkHexad, the 6 dimensions of human evil that I’ve found so-far, wants:

    DarkHexad: Narcissism / Machiavellianism / Sociopathy-Psychopathy / Nihilism / Sadism / Systemic-Dishonesty.

    Countering ANY of these dimensions from remaining in authority on our world is good, countering the entanglement network of multiple-dimensions, together, is better, but!..

    Remember Stephen R. Covey’s principle!

    IF your Circle of Concern is too big, THEN it is draining you, making you helpless!

    IF you deliberately & strategically reduce your Circle of Concern, … THEN … your Circle of Influence will, as you recover, grow!

    And you have your balance to earn: my balance isn’t relevant to your condition, neither is your balance relevant to how I’m managing, etc.

    Each is independent of others, & the whole “I’m this-way therefore you ought be, too” herd-bullying has no actual validity.

    I hope that you find stable balance, & I hope that someday you become able to directly & significantly counter whatever harm/evil it is you witnessed.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

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  • Your question is actually a subset of:

    “Can short-term-gain actually fatally undermine long-term-viability?”

    I don’t consider the question incorrect, at all.

    Peter F. Drucker, in one of his books, has it that the “Health Care Industry” hired him,

    and one of the 1st things he did, was…

    told them, bluntly to their face, directly, approximately that

    ( this gets the gist of it, but this is from-memory, not exact/verbatim )

    “You aren’t the Health Care Industry, you are the Illness Care Industry, and you aren’t fooling anybody, AND you aren’t improving your credibility by speaking falsely”

    Does taking all kinds of chemicals, so that one can be a “better bodybuilder”, and then ending up in a population who dies significantly younger than average, due to heart-failures, be considered “good”??

    Obviously, to the corporate-“persons” who make money having as much of the population addicted to that distortion as possible, YES!! PROFITS!!

    Unfortunately, it isn’t possible, in any political system, to get decisions made by correctness, accuracy, reason, objectivity, maximum-benefit-for-greatest-number-of-dimensions-of-the-population, etc…

    The lobbies won’t allow that.

    Remember Covid?

    Remember the people who were insisting that immunization was a scam, & that people should be relying on their body’s innate robust immune-system?

    These were people who consider yogic-living to be corruption, and heavy-meat-eating to be “good”, nitrates in meats, & all.

    The lobbies have overrun all discussion, not allowing objectivity to own any territory.

    I think you are right, but the right-answer to it includes simultaneously improving the health of individuals, of entire-populations, AND getting people out immersed in nature more, so as to have built-up more-powerful immune-systems, in the 1st place!

    Selectively extinguish some infectious-diseases ( I’d target rabies, ebola, HPV because it causes cervical cancer, & a few others, for extinguishment ), while dealing-with as many as we viably can,

    in the hopes that “surprises” will not be able to trash/wreck our innate immune-systems, see?

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  • So are people.

    DarkHexad intent { Narcissism / Machiavellianism / Sociopathy-Psychopathy / Nihilism / Sadism / Systemic-Dishonesty } is significant a fraction in human-nature, itself,

    and the internet does represent that,

    as does the last few millenia of human history, tbh.

    The only way to have a clean space, is to force break DarkHexad grip on that space.

    It’s exactly the same with your body’s health:

    IF you want to break the pathogens from sharing your body’s life,

    THEN you have to BREAK them from owning any territory in your body’s life.

    Pretending & “making nice” on them won’t break their grasp/control of all they own/control.

    Exactly as Western Medicine holds that whole-health isn’t a valid condition, but illness, injury, & death are,

    therefore one treats illness, injury, & death with drugs or procedures,

    there simply isn’t ANY method for producing whole-health in a paradigm which axiomatically prohibits that that could be valid.

    You want whole-health?

    Become a true yogi.

    Harness/yoke ( “yoga” means “to yoke”, or “to harness” ) your entire life to whole-health, & discover what drugs & procedures cannot make.

    The same is true of clean spaces, online ( I mean places where machaivellian evil gets auto-broken from them, there’s no requirement that “clean” mean “all spaces are child-friendly” ).

    IF you want clean social-site,

    THEN you need combined arms ( all dimensions of force, convergion to enforce victory ) making that, against the machiavellians & corrupt-values people.

    That requires easy server-setup.

    That requires easy administration.

    That requires easy moderation.

    That requires easy community-management.

    That requires easy onboarding for good people,

    AND easy step-by-step breaking of the malevolent ones, with proper powerlaw escalations.

    That requires accountability ( machiavellians consistently disappear any evidence that would threaten them with accountability, while trying to drown others ) that is both automatic & unbreakable.


    Without a cat’s skeleton, no matter what musculature you put on your non-cat skeleton, you can’t make it be a cat, in how it moves.

    You want a cat’s liquidity-of-motion?

    You require, then, skeleton, musculature, AND nervous-system of cat, for your animal…

    You want clean/healthy portion-of-internet?

    ALL dimensions, technological, legislative, admin, moderation, users, processes, EVERYthing needs to be “combined arms” breaking the pathogen-intents from possessing it.

    And because of the neverending arms-race between corruption/malevolence vs good, that needs to keep continually adapting, agilely.

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  • All of them: I want authenticity,

    and “superheroes” are fake human-meaning, engineered to push distractine power/ego-fantasy instead of actual-human development.

    Read both of John Truby’s books, “The Anatomy of Genres”, & “The Anatomy of Story”, and become much competenter in what story/movie makers should be doing,

    and then consider how much is being invested in preventing realism-of-context from being known by mass-media consumers…

    …and then understand the long-term consequences of deliberately/systematically diverging mass-awareness from what real meaning, real human context, is, … through decades…

    It’s part of a whole-class, or whole-population, suckerpunching, but it seems to be of unconscious, not conspiracy, intent.

    Pretence-programmed populations are less realistic & less reality-competent.

    Bollywood & Hollywood both produce divorce-from-reality.

    That isn’t required, for story, or human-meaning, is it?

  • Raccoon-medicine is the medicine of helping-friends.

    There was a meme going 'round, where somebody had put up a bird-feeder or something, and they had it about 1 yard/metre off the ground, to prevent the raccoons from getting food from it…

    … a whole heap of them formed a living-ladder, so one of 'em could get at the food.

    That is the brilliantest demonstration of exactly what some Indigenous religions have said about 'em, that anybody could ever ask for.

    Read “Medicine Cards” by Jamie Sams, for a good survey of animal-spirits: it’s reasonably accurate.

    I’d add to it that upright owl-medicine is the medicine of meditation, but Indigenous religions didn’t dig into that kind of thing, only inner-winds peoples did ( Asian region ).

    ( and anybody who goes & lives among wilderness for awhile will learn animals’ natures/spirits specific to that locale, obviously )

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  • When a handful of monopolies decide that no factchecking will be seen by anybody, anymore,

    and only profitable-to-their-dictatorship disinformation will be seen,

    then humanity will not have any means of countering that:

    it will be too late.

    We are “the frog dropped into the slowly-heating pot of water”.

    People pretend that monopoly is “maybe” harmful, economically, but it is an existential-threat to countries, and with globalization, now to civil-rights as a valid-category.

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