Okay, don’t have a nice day. But still shut up about things you don’t understand
Okay, don’t have a nice day. But still shut up about things you don’t understand
Did you reply to the wrong thread?
When? The only choice seemed to be what order to do the missions in. There was talk about “I select my team” but you as the player don;t even seem to have any say in that.
Well fuck
Oh right, you’re an idiot. Well have a nice day and stop talking about stuff you don’t understand
The gameplay was not goon enough to make we want to skip it and move onto the third one. There was some nice world buildiong and a couple of good moments but over all it was very… underwhelming. It did not live up to the hype, and if 2 was the highlight of the series I felt like I made the right decision
That is so not what I said at all
That’s literally the plot of the second game. I don’t like fascists, never have even before their rise, never will. Sorry but I don;t want to play a game where I have to play with bigiots
Do you think computers are generating images for other computers to look at? I applaud your optimism about AI but we’re not there yet. There are always people involved
Do people really learn to drive and not know how to correctly position their side mirrors? wtf? How?
I hated it. The first one was okay but not amazing, the second one make you work for fascist terrorists. The game play was not anywhere near good enough to cover for that. Never tried the third one
Of course I have. In a gallery. That’s not the gotcha you think it is
The amount of effort that goes into something has no bearing on its value, otherwise Leonardo’s doodles are less valuable than your efforts, and that’s clearly bollocks
It’s here to stay. You’re a luddite with no understanding of the subject matter and should fuck off. The hate bubble is deflating
They’re bland and not particularly well executed impressionist style pieces. Better than a quick doodle, better than I could paint, but by no means good
Naah, hitler’s paintings were actually pretty crap, him getting rejected from art school was entirely justified
Why? Do you need a label saying “made with pencils”? The hate bubble is deflating and you lot are losing. Get on with it already
I did that once. Very tasty, but I started time travelling. I went back four seconds