There are filtered keywords and filtered websites options on Voyager, would try playing with those.
There are filtered keywords and filtered websites options on Voyager, would try playing with those.
You can make anonymous accounts, but there’s a difference between ‘breadguy’ and ‘anon’. Who is literally everyone posting on the board. In the chan world so called namefags are shunned and not thought of as true channers. By having an identifiable name it gives you some measure of reputation, a name that you may hold some regard for, or at least that others could decide if they want to listen to or block.
I actually like to think of the chan boards as an experiment in social studies. What happens when you allow for purely repression and repercussion free interaction? There are plenty of people who will say and do some absurd things when they’re drunk that they wouldn’t dare to sober. What happens when that sense of untouchability is available at any time just by going to a website.
Anyplace that allows, or in the case of 4chan, encourages purely Anon posting is going to be a cesspit. When there’s no accountability, no ID of any sort (even a screen name) to tie actions against then there’s no reputation to protect. It might be pleasant at first, but you can bet it won’t stay that way for long.
I was wondering if someone might recognize that
The chair is against the wall and John has a long moustache.
Yeah, but I’m probably more ancient than those get whatever that means…
Phones became more frequently used for apps and posting which is a pain on a tiny screen. I built a pi zero powered retro console but actually using the tiny screen of about 3" makes it near impossible to read anything.
I would like to see things return to having replaceable batteries, headphones jacks and maybe slide out keys, but if I have to type and read on the same screen it’s awful nice to have some room to work with.
He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fuck things up this badly.
-George Carlin
Yeah, was kind of clunky worded way to say ‘no ID’, /. Has screen names but in chan world everyone is the same ‘anonymous’. When everyone is faceless and nameless people tend to let the ugly out with ease.
edit: I’m not a regular of /. but it looks like there are ‘Anonymous Coward’ responses, but they’re more the exception than the rule. I’m sure the mods there have some measure of trolls to deal with.