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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • That could be Mama. Nests are not the safest place for fledglings, so mom or dad will push them out of the nest, but they are not abandoned. (Predators can find a nest easier than an able-bodied fledgling).

    I once rescued a baby chickadee from a neighborhood cat that was stalking it. The parents were going nuts in the tree above, so i set the little bugger in a yew bush and took the cat away and gave it treats. Everyone was happy that day

  • Thank you for copying the article over <3

    The prison terms for each of those charges will be served concurrently.

    So he will be serving 5 years (or less). Shame. This guy is a time bomb. The worst part is the ex will be haunted by his existence for, well, a long time. There is no good way to have peace when you know a psychopath holds a grudge against you.

    The grandfather said Carlos Perez has been on his own for most of his life. The 24-year-old needs help, not prison, Louis Perez said.

    No parents in the picture, brother killed in a drive-by, and grandfather the only person on record willing to speak for him. Without robust mental health support and a sufficient social network the guy is a societal dead end, and the world will be richer without him in it. I’m not advocating he be put down, just acknowledging the reality of mental health care in this country. Best case scenario he actually gets the help he needs, but what will actually happen is he’ll be in jail for a couple years and then released to ruin someone’s life. The only way this gets resolved within the current system is with a sharpened tooth brush

  • I had one like that a while back. I’d heard the song on Pandora a few times and liked it, but it was just background music while i was working. The tune was catchy, but I couldn’t remember the lyrics at all. I tried humming it into sound hound and stuff, but to no avail.

    Finally my wife was playing Pandora when I came home from work and it was on.

    Welcome Home, Son - Radical Face

    Back in the late nineties I had the reverse problem. I heard a cover of Bakers Street by the Foo Fighters on an independent radio station. I knew it was from a Japanese version of The Colour and the Shape, but no one had the CD. (Actually it was the UK version of the single My Hero, but either I misheard or the DJ was wrong. No wonder I couldn’t find it.) Then, Napster happened. I’ve still got that song somewhere on an old HDD, in all its 128 Kbps glory

  • This is a core memory movie for me. I watched it so much i nearly demagnetized the tape.

    Yes. Tape.

    And i know all the words to the Pizza Hut commercial that came before the movie:

    Off in the distance / the game’s dragging on. / There’s strikes on the batter / some runners are on. / When suddenly everyone’s looking at me. / My mind has been wondering “What could it be?” / They point to the sky and I look up above / and a baseball falls intoooo my glooooove! / I / play / right-field, it’s important to know / you gotta know how to pitch, / you gotta know how to throw. / That’s why I play in right field / way out where the dandelions groooooow.

    Ahhh the memories