• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • or should he refer to your poor arguments in the future

    Okay, when your govt decides you should pay taxes and your neighbor in the exact same situation doesn’t have to pay then I hope you’re happy. That’s what you’re advocating for there.

    maybe you’re the Portuguese Tim Cook and you’re still butthurt about opening up iOS??

    Ahahah, the exact opposite. I’m all for alternative app stores and I believe iOS should allow for direct IPA installs without signatures and checks from Apple at all. What I’m against is developers screwing over specific groups of people, in this case Europeans, like this one did.

    At the end of the day Testut is charging 1.50€/year for AltStore PAL access, so… he just created a new tax, a fee and so is Apple. The more things change, the more they stay the same ;)

  • I downloaded it for free. Stop making this about the US 🤣

    Enjoy your 3 side loaded app limit + 7 day refreshes and having to install a 3rd party store to get access to an application that was approved by Apple for distribution on the App Store.

    He’s pushing users onto his new App Store so he’s making apps available there 🤷‍♂️

    Yes and that’s a dick move, he is leveraging Delta to push people into AltStore. Why some users can have it for free while others have to pay? How can this make sense to you? This is the same of, let’s say, you’ve to pay taxes but your next door neighbor does not just because.

    He has to pay a fee to create an AppStore. Do you think he can magically make money out of this air to pay apple?

    Yes, and who asked for that?

    People asked for an emulator on the App Store, eventually Apple changed their policies and allowed it, he was one that decided to create an alternative store, not the users.

  • Do we have to assassinate someone’s character over this?

    Yes, he’s acting in very bad faith, he launched Delta on the US App Store and NOT on the EU… Apple approved Delta for distribution and as so it can be distributed in all stores - not only in the US.

    This is was a dick move to push EU people into the AltStore. If Apple made alternative app stores available in the US as well then this guy would’ve never published the app on the App Store.

    If you want Delta in the EU, download AltStore.

    I’m going to say again: AltStore is either payed or requires that constant refresh thing. It doesn’t make sense for make the app free on the US and force EU users to pay…

    Testut was supposed to come back home to Apple just because they said so, but I think he did the right thing by sticking to his plans and foiling Apple’s.

    … again and how does that work when he only “stick to the plan” in the EU? Why does US users have access to Delta for free while other have to pay?

  • And yes, it can be hard to install manually since PIO IDE extensions have installation check after the plugin is installed, but the PIO core itself is just a python script. You can pip install it or download the .tar.gz from pypi.

    Yes but why? From what I see they could’ve just a few simple tweaks to the extensions to make things suitable for offline / airgrapped scenarios, but instead they decided to design it all around internet access.

    Absolutely. But as you said, there is no instruction on how to do it since there are literally hundreds of possible configurations. Doing it manually defeats the purpose of PIO in the first place

    I get your view, but PIO isn’t the first piece of software that has to deal with this issue. Look at Linux apt repositories, whenever we want to install some program it also pulls hundreds of dependencies, however, apt is designed to be mirrored and even packaged as physical media for offline usage. Debian’s amd64 repository is around 800GB and the source one is 150GB and people who need it offline are more than welcome to mirror the thing, why can’t we have the same for PIO?