• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • TWeaK@lemm.eetoMeta (lemm.ee)@lemm.eeLemm.ee mod abuse
    2 months ago

    Moderators don’t own the community, but they own the community address - they have absolute control over it and can set the rules. If the community don’t like that, they’re free to move to a new address and make their own, with blackjack and hookers, etc.

    The admin owns the instance, which in turn can overrule the moderators. If the community don’t like that, they’re free to move to a new instance, with blackjack and hookers, etc.

    Basically the whole system was set up so everyone will eventually have blackjack and hookers.

  • TWeaK@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzBrb
    2 months ago

    WhoBIRD has been working well for me. Doesn’t have the visual ID stuff that Merlin has, but it’s FOSS and identifies by sound, based on location and time of year.

    Granted, I don’t know enough to know when it’s wrong, and I bet it’s not great for identifying rare birds, but it’s fun.

  • Knuckles simply does not sound nor act right. Looking at it now, reportedly his original plan for the character was far worse. He’s just not that good of an actor. Elba was good in The Wire and Luther, but his other roles are primarily trading on the popularity from those.

    Edit: More to the point about the way Knuckles acts, he’s been Flanderised, diluted down into worn out dumb strong guy character tropes and then amplified. I really don’t like that. /Edit

    But then, given that we’re in a thread excited about Keanu Reeves taking a role, I’m probably preaching to the wrong crowd. Reeves is an amazing person and a great action movie star, but action movies don’t exactly require much acting, either. He gets a pass though because he’s such an awesome dude. Elba’s a bit of a sell out.

    You had so many words to say and you got almost some of them right!