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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Nowadays, it is exactly as complex as it sounds. There is a ton of blending, pitch and playrate tweaking, separate modifiers for current rpm and how much the accelerator is currently depressed. And yeah, like hundreds of recorded samples from the real car when possible, or a similar sounding car when not possible.

    We are probably on the verge of getting to a point where a rough simulation might soon be able to take over for this process. It won’t sound as good for a while still, but it will be cheaper and faster soon. And as time goes on, it’ll get close enough to sounding right while continuing to decrease in cost and time taken to a point where it’ll be the only way to do it eventually

  • Almost all of them. I rarely finish a game. For a variety of reasons, all added together. The closer I get to the end, the more I want to put it off if I’m enjoying a game, so I will keep finding more and more nuanced stuff to do instead. A new game comes out and I eventually completely forget one of the 10 games I’m currently actively playing when it temporarily becomes 11, then back down to 10. My friends stop playing a game, but my character relied on them… maybe I’ll just start over with a character that can solo. Maybe that game will just go on the pile of “not today, but I’ll play it soon”, until it’s been in the pile so long that there isn’t much point anymore.

    I should mention I am autistic and likely adhd but I haven’t got that diagnosed yet. So while some of this is probably normal behaviours, some of it probably isn’t too.

  • While I agree with your premise, I don’t like that your list is what came to mind when you thought of unnecessary laws. Those are some of the best laws we have. It sucks being hypersensory and trying to live a real life, and literally 25% of the population is. With hyposensory people (another 25% of the population) just acting like we are all whiners for experiencing every sense as much as 4x as strongly as they do. “No one could possibly be that annoyed by something that barely affects me, they are just too sensitive”. Well, yes. Technically that is the problem, but our sensitivity is physical and not by choice.

  • I don’t think anything officially calls itself as such. But all the zany parody comedies are good examples. Stuff like blazing saddles, hot shots, airplane… normal people like them ok, but they play especially well to us. Pretty much anything with leslie nielson as lead. Mr. Bean/rowan atkinson stuff tends to follow that same trend. Probably the most openly Autistic tv show would be rick and morty. Most people can’t get past how annoying the characters are, I didn’t even know they were annoying… lol.

    Most older stuff like this came out before these people knew what Autism even was, or considered they might have/be it. But now it’s more likely to be an open secret, or occasionally even widely known in some cases. For music, saVant is an autistic artist that in my experience is not well liked by normal people, but is some of my favourite music.

    As with most other stuff, personal taste is still more important than the line between Autistic/non-autistic, but there are strong correlations. Especially if the artist didn’t know they were Autistic. They might have inadvertantly done things in a way that feels more comfortable to us, and it didn’t bother their editor enough for them to recommend changing it. Or they may have been given more freedom and as a result just naturally gravitated towards stuff that is more important to us, and away from things that would be more important to a general audience.

  • To be fair, sometimes we get lucky enough to get stuff made by Autistic artists for us Autistic people and it doesn’t do well in the general audience, but we absolutely love it. Our tastes in some things are just a little different. Absurdist comedy, or left-field mysteries… and the emotional writing or acting might feel completely off for normal people, but we won’t notice it. We like normal people stuff too, but I got a special place in my heart for stuff that was clearly made by another Autistic person.

  • Wow, that sucks. I guess Canada is further ahead in that. Electric car charging is 20 minutes per 3 hours here. I can see why it would make a big difference if it’s an hour for your chargers.

    It could also be the software for your car isn’t well optimized, they should ideally be having you stop around 25% battery and charging up to around 75% if you are trying to make the best time. The software should inject the stops as close as possible to that ideal if you tell it to prioritize speed.

    But if the only chargers you have on your route are that slow, then I guess there isn’t much you can do but hope companies don’t stop funding the R and D and contsruction of more up to date ones.

  • I do think someone would immediately buy the charging network if it were an option. I mean gas stations have all kinds of stuff spring up around them when anyone stopping there won’t even be very long and only passengers will be bored with nothing to do for that short amount of time. At a charging station, you are taking a longer break and even the driver is participating in that break.

    Owning the charge network is going to be a much bigger deal when it’s common to use your EV for long trips. And whether people want to or not at this point, it’s steadily becoming more and more normalized. It’s certainly more enjoyable overall to take a long trip in an EV. The downtime is nice. And healthier than sitting down for hours straight. Even before electric cars, people were encouraged to stop every 2 hours on a road trip anyway.

    The old advice was to plan recreational stops along the trip, to prevent embolisms or cramps. What if charge stations had electric scooters or bikes and maps to fun 15 minute activities in range. Not to mention meals of course.

    I know many people don’t take road trips in a healthy way currently, so gas cars seem like the better choice for them. You’ll “make better time” if that is the only important thing. But for people that already followed best practices, a road trip in an electric car is already the same.

  • You say “you need a gas car for long trips”, and “Chargers didn’t factor into it”.

    Isn’t that directly contradicting? Why else do you feel like you need a gas car for long trips if it isn’t related to either not enough chargers or chargers still not being fast enough for you? Chargers absolutely factor into that part of why you didn’t buy electric yet.

    But also, the notion that they can’t do long trips is already pretty outdated. There are very few places left where you would even need to take a detour to take a long trip in an electric car. The only downside is that charging at max speed takes about 3x as long as filling with gas still, and not every charging station is max speed. As that continues to improve, it’ll be less and less of a difference.

    So, funding the R and D department of the charging network, as well as the construction of the charging network, are absolutely fundamental to more people adopting electric as their single vehicle choice. And not as their second vehicle only for one small purpose.

  • I’m fully ok with people I don’t agree with stating their opinions. It’s only when they want to spew hatred and actually do damage with their speech that I don’t like. Free speech is totally fine, but hate speech and slander are not. I don’t like when people that have the same opinion as me spew hate and lies either. Hate and lies have nothing to do with being free. At that point you are trying to restrict other people from being free.

    They can say things I don’t like, as long as those things are true and free from malice. Your freedoms stop where other peoples freedoms start. We can tolerate anything, but tolerating intolerance breaks the social contract and renders it null.

  • “Surviving” is one thing. Why can’t we also continue to enjoy life like you guys got to do? You wouldn’t have been able to last a day in the world you left for us. Which is why as it got closer and closer to affecting you too, you just pushed harder and harder to keep it away from you, doing more and more damage for the rest of us to feel instead.