@borokov @veganpizza69
Ironically, your car is destroying the nature you want to be closer to. If you really love nature and the outdoors, using a car to access it is like being a toxic ex-boyfriend who refuses to let go and calls it love.
I live in #Tokyo #Japan where I ride my #bicycle nearly everywhere I go. For longer trips, there is excellent #PublicTransportation I hate #cars #FuckCars they are a waste of space. They cause too much #pollution and #asphalt or concrete #roads and #ParkingLots are driving up temperatures. I hate risking my life when I have to ride on the street. I am into #Beekeeping #NaturePhotography #NatureVideos and I have a #PeerTube channel.
@borokov @veganpizza69
Ironically, your car is destroying the nature you want to be closer to. If you really love nature and the outdoors, using a car to access it is like being a toxic ex-boyfriend who refuses to let go and calls it love.
People spread over the earth and into every corner of it except Antarctica, tens of thousands of years before there were cars. Did Genghis Khan have a car? Did Hannibal have a car? Every location you say you can’t get to without a car was settled by Native Americans, for thousands of years, without cars. Cable cars would probably have the lowest environmental impact to move people around a park. #MotoNormativity #CarBrain #FuckCars