People spread over the earth and into every corner of it except Antarctica, tens of thousands of years before there were cars. Did Genghis Khan have a car? Did Hannibal have a car? Every location you say you can’t get to without a car was settled by Native Americans, for thousands of years, without cars. Cable cars would probably have the lowest environmental impact to move people around a park. #MotoNormativity #CarBrain #FuckCars
@Lv_InSaNe_vL Lewis and Clark walked all the way to the west coast. My father hiked from Corpus Christie Texas to the Canadian border through the Rocky Mountains in the mid 1970s. If you want to visit remote areas of national parks your feet and a backpack are the best options. Horses are also an option. They can be rented and buying and maintaining a horse is cheaper than buying and maintaining a car. They also do less damage to nature.