A middle-aged nerd from the UK. I like films and write about them, sometimes for Film Stories or my blog.

Have a great day.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Despite having no knowledge of the source material, I loved Arcane season 1, so really looking forward to Season 2. I think I read there’s another Batman Ninja coming. The first one is beautiful and, excuse the pun, bat shit crazy! As a Terminator fan, really interested in the upcoming Netflix animated show. What else?? Sony and Netflix have a new Ghostbusters animated show in development, but I think that’s quite a way off yet. I see posts below of the animated Watchmen adaptation. I’m interested to see this, although I find DC usual straight to DVD content quite cheap looking. I love the live action Watchmen director’s cut (the one without the animated Black Sails segments) and I wonder if they’re sticking to the original squid ending?

  • Way back when, Pixar were going to make a film called Newt. It was about two rare species of Newt, one of each gender, who needed to mate to save their species. Unfortunately, the female couldn’t stand the male. For whatever reason, they escape the lab and have an adventure.

    Apparently this was around the time Rio was released and the stories were apparently too similar. (I haven’t seen Rio, do I don’t know), so the project was canned.

    It’s a shame as I really liked the concept art which can be found online and I really liked the style.

    In fact, newt makes two small tiny cameos in other Pixar films.