China isn’t reliant on imported food, from the US or anywhere.
China isn’t reliant on imported food, from the US or anywhere.
That’s a reasonable reflection. Tensions can be high on Lemmy these days.
If it kills the host, it’s not a very successful parasite, or it’s a parasitoid as only one other commenter has picked up. It’s not in parasites’ interest to kill their hosts, it usually happens when they infect a non-preferred host and the system responds differently, like the pork tapeworm Taenia solium which doesn’t kill pigs but can be lethal in humans.
Or you could just come up with a coherent argument to persuade them, rather than intimidating them with implied force. You’re not as tough as you think you are, shooter.
Blame Mani
It’s not, and I can’t understand what you’re intending to say. If it’s “extreme-ized” (not “extermized”), then the word you’re looking for is radicalized.
calm down
sweet summer child
I know these tactics, they’re designed to goad me into an emotive response so I lose the argument!
They’re not a case in themselves and your smugness is distasteful. Your interlocutor is treating you with more respect than you are showing in return.
Those are some mercurial tempera…tures
That will express to your eye your undieing love.
God damn I am dumb. Thanks for spelling it out lol!
You mean you could accidentally spin 364.9° or 365.1° instead of 365° exactly and you’d be off by a large amount? Might be dumb but still not getting how a perfect pivot right back to 0°/365° would still miss!
Because of the Earth’s curvature you mean?
Numeracy is certainly not so common
“EEEEEEEEEKKK! I just got my first paycheck and there’s a spider on it!”
That’s true, I was oversimplifying by focusing on the third but the same applies whether remarks are intended to hurt, be neutral, or explicitly to help - point is people often assume it’s the first or respond as if it is. Some people can shrug it off but I can’t.
No - curtain walls are where there’s no wall, just a window attached to the frame as in most modern office buildings. Apologies meant to respond to @HelixDab2 below who mentioned béton brut :)
Awesome answer
There’s some messed up dopamine response going on there, both for self-picking and especially for others’ picking! I’ve often thought about how some people have that compulsion to pop, others want to pop out of a sense of sick satisfaction, compulsion by extension to another person, or out of a misguided sense you’re doing something good. Pops not good
I see where you’re coming from and understand why some don’t get it, but it’s the third one. People are very mean, including me, and especially when they are anonymous or feel they’ll get away with it.
The first two - they’re giving constructive criticism, or they’re plain wrong - assume the person is not coming from a mean place. I wonder if you’re neurodiverse or a very experienced meditator or something if you can really always shrug off a nasty remark intended to hurt.
I’m neurodiverse and took a lot of throwaway hurtful comments to heart as a kid, not because I couldn’t tell they were trying to he hurtful, but because I believed there had to be some truth or insight into what they said. When I developed more self-respect I got fewer such remarks when I appeared visibly furious, or gave the same back in return. But I still take hurtful remarks - intentional or not - to heart by nature.
Point being, not everyone has as thick as skin as you, and hurtful remarks do indeed hurt many/most people no matter how much we talk about the relative damaged done by sticks and stones vs names. Hurtful intentions can convey hurt to most generally empathetic people I think. Appreciate any other views as I’m just trying to address this one as I see it. Peace
Well said and I agree :)