I’m still wanting the Black Mesa: Blue Shift to finish
I really resonated with the brother who got lost in his own fantasy world
After a certain point, wouldn’t a company have all the relevant information for a set of people? What happens then?
You could also play The Mean Greens, which is a PvP game but not technically a battle royale.
Unfollow all the political communities and your issue will be solved.
Apparently they directly reference Young Adventures when they’re in Peru in Crystal Skull.
That was such a bullshit copout. Like, yeah she blinded someone, which is horrible in its own right, but in the story if Starlight hadn’t acted then the woman would have been dead instead of blind. I’d take that trade any day.
I mean just the first episode of Invincible shows him absolutely destroying an old woman because he doesn’t have a handle on his powers yet. And then later he finds out she didn’t make it and he almost quit being a superhero because of it.
It’s gonna be a 3D side scrolling beat-em-up with the lightest of “RPG-lite” mechanics and you’re gonna like it! /s
I wish marvel would go back to that… Nowadays with the juggernaut that is the MCU we have that weird CGI intro for “MARVEL STUDIOS” that shows clips from previous movies.
It does. Or, did anyway. I have no idea now, cause I got the game before they took this out. I already knew my Microsoft login because I had just recently unsubbed from game pass, and that’s part of the reason why I bought it on steam.
I didn’t realize when I got it that I needed to sign in to my Microsoft account to play multiplayer, which was the whole reason why I got it on steam. I played it before when it was on game pass, but I’ve since cancelled my subscription and I wanted to play the game.
Bob Marley, sure.
Tbf I haven’t listened to that much reggae. Apparently ska is older and has wider roots.
There always has to be that one guy. I guess it’s me this time.
I literally bought this game like two weeks ago.
Worth it anyway.
With HBO, it’s usually an ad for another one of their shows, rather than an ad for the thing you’re already subscribed to. I’m okay with that, even though I usually skip the ads anyway.
Average sync post.
How? They’ve been dragging out the end of the world ever since AC3 and killing off Desmond. How are they gonna reboot it? “Everything was a simulation the entire time and we just hit a hard reset button.”