what would you choose to replace mailing lists with? e-mail is accessible, easy to archive, and archives are also accessible and easily searched
genuinely curious
what would you choose to replace mailing lists with? e-mail is accessible, easy to archive, and archives are also accessible and easily searched
genuinely curious
had youtube open in a new private window on a vpn connection the other day after clicking a link to a video about the new raspberry pi compute module
was scrolling down thru one of the top comment threads and noticed, sandwiched between relevant tech videos on the right? some talking head, designed to enrage (as opposed to inform) fox news video about nothing related.
I think Im just done with youtube for the forseeable future. if your profit model requires inducing engagement like that, your product isnt good enough to stand on its own, and/or you’re ok with being shitty to make more money. either way, I want nothing to do with you at that point.
unfortunately we’ve entered an era where not wanting to condone/support/endorse/encourage shitty corporate behavior requires the sacrifice of not getting to enjoy most products and conveniences that are available. theyre often enjoyed by many other folks who just shrug and say “everyone else is doing it”
I find most companies that undercut their competitors’ prices are cutting corners somewhere I don’t want to be involved in. quality and customer service has a price. I try as hard as I can to pay that price, or just do without.
just try your best, pick your battles; it’s all anyone can do without going insane and/or full modernity-hermit
(reminds me of the cattle “rancher” in ‘king corn’ who says theyd love to go back to selling grass fed, grass finished beef, but all anyone wants to buy is cheapass, corn sileage-stuffed feed lot crap, so it’s either sell that, or go out of business. producers cant just choose their market; there has to be a demand for it.)
an extra updoot for the unix surrealism shout out. ngl I look forward to a new one every time I check lemmy
welp, it was a good run! definitely my favorite of everything since DS9 and voyager by a mile. hopefully itll go out with a bang
OOTL- what happened to Lower Decks?
Have you ever worked at a small bakery or cafe? It’s basically impossible to know exactly how many customers youre going to have on any given day.
They could always underproduce, sure, but my guess is that then businesses that care about cutting down on waste would lose business to places that regularly overproduce, when customers started choosing the place that was never out of stock of their favorites, or was always offering a wider selection. Underproduction by companies trying to responsibly reduce waste would probably benefit the largest corporations, with their better magins due to economy of scale, who are also more able to lose money in some areas just to drive business to other departments. Maybe that’s partially on the customers and their choices, but I think the idea behind this app is a good way to encourage competition, and benefits smaller, more local businesses.
Also this allows places to experiment more. Not sure everyone will enjoy your new recipe? Here’s an established way to recoup costs at the end of the day, to at least break even. Bakeries for as long as I can remember have been discounting “day old” product - this app creates a handy centralized maketplace for it. While I’m all for more responsible consumption, what you’re advocating for requires not just more responsible businesses, but more responsible consumers to make sacrifices to support them, enough to make up the difference in potential lost business. How many people are going to add an extra stop in their errands to visit a business they know is often or even occassionally out of the product they want, when they know another, more wasteful business always has it available?
I guess I disagree that this app helps businesses “do nothing” about food waste- I see it as a way to help (especially small) businesses throw away less food. Can it be abused; can businesses still wildly overproduce? sure, but many were already doing so before this, and will continue to do so as a matter of caring about maximizing profit. that doesn’t take away from the waste the app does help reduce, and the help driving customers to, and breaking even on unsold product it provides small businesses - businesses who are imho more likely than large conglomorates and chains to care about being socially and enviornmentally responsible in other ways, too, not just reducing food waste.