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Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Besides, Microsoft are the ones that changed the layout, not Nintendo. The confusion when switching controllers is likely by design.

    Sony also made their bottom button the default “confirm/execute” button and the side right button the “cancel/backout” button. It just feels more intuitive to me.

    I’ve been gaming since the late 80s, so I understand Nintendo was the “first” of the current 3 hardware sellers. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re the outlier now. And it’s not like their controllers have even had the same layout more than once, the SNES and Switch being the only two to share a relatively similar button layout.

  • I’ll never get over Nintendo’s decision to not have the button letters alphabetical like Xbox controllers do (or even just use shapes like Sony). Whenever I play on my Switch, the Y X buttons almost always throws me off, heh. I know Nintendo is Japanese and they tend to write from right to left, so I’m guessing that’s how it ended up like that initially.


    Since a lot of folks are asking how they’re alphabetical, I simply mean A comes before B and X before Y. I’m not saying they’re alphabetical entirely (since if you read all of them clockwise/counterclockwise then it obviously doesn’t make sense), just on their own individual “lines,” e.g. X and Y are on their own “line,” as well as A and B. It’s not entirely logical when you think about it, but that’s just how I and a number of others think about it. It’s a subjective thing, I suppose.

  • I’m not arguing that it’s a W. I’m saying that much of the reason we’re in this hyper polarized society now is due to echo chambers. If we refuse to engage with those we disagree with, then you’re falling into the exact same trap. The entire platform isn’t only Musk/MAGA supporters. It’s toxic and awful, but so is TikTok and Facebook yet millions still use them every day.

  • Unfortunately, without anyone of note calling him out on that platform, it turns into pure echo chamber cult activity. There are so, so many people that are like lemmings, that will just follow that flow without doing any personal reflection or critical thinking. It’s healthy to have voices of dissent, even if it’s indirectly helping/enabling someone that’s cultivating mindlessness among the masses. Hell, just look at how his idiotic response has over 2 million “likes”. Granted, I’m sure 70-80% of those are fake, but that’s still a frightening number of people who support someone like him.

  • She said the encampment violated many of the university’s new policies put in place last fall, requiring at least two days notice for demonstrations and requiring them to be held in authorized areas.

    “This is a challenging moment and these are steps that I deeply regret having to take,” her email continued. “The current encampment violates all of the new policies, severely disrupts campus life, and creates a harassing and intimidating environment for many of our students.”

    When did our country get so damn complacent with “authorized demonstration areas”?

    I don’t have much of a stake in the whole conflict over there other than I hope the needless misery and suffering end immediately. But this woman’s comments are just so damn out of touch and pathetic. Protests are meant to disrupt and make people uncomfortable. That’s literally the point. You don’t get shit done by being polite when everyone is ignoring you and trying to shove you in a closet to make you go away. You get louder and more aggressive until others realize that ignoring you isn’t going to work in the long term.