Happiness is connected to contentment, feeling you have enough.
There are people living in their cars who are happy, and elon musk, with all the money in the world, very much doesn’t look like a happy person.
Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora
Happiness is connected to contentment, feeling you have enough.
There are people living in their cars who are happy, and elon musk, with all the money in the world, very much doesn’t look like a happy person.
I read a story that once the US air force tried designing a pilot seat based on the average of the measurements of all their pilots and ended with something that was uncomfortable to all of them.
IIRC China does have elections, but people can only vote for local councils, and those elected then vote for higher positions; but there’s no parties, and it’s those currently in power that choose the candidates.
The driving school I went to would fail people that used the “handbrake start” on a hill.
And also fail people that tried to drive backwards by looking back instead of using the mirrors.
Brazil did much worse slavery, but the racism is “softer”, there was a moment when 80% of the population was enslaved black/mixed people (indigenous were mostly just genocided away).
Because most people are mixed, the racism here today is just on looks instead of ancestry, and AFAIK less violent.
Do any exist?
Democrats are also a neoliberal right-wing party (if a little more moderate), why would they be opposition?
Small text explains that exclaves are excluded, otherwise Brazil also has a land border with France.
Because it refers to economic liberalism.
Here in Brazil bolsonaro’s party is also called “Liberal Party”. Weirdly he was elected when in the Social Liberal Party.
Names don’t mean anything in political discourse.