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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yeah if you’re a functional member of society, then I don’t at all get the stigma. It’s the NEETs that should be getting a bad rap.

    I’ve got my own place, but I’ve asked my mom to come live with me before. She doesn’t want to lol (for various reasons, but we have a really good relationship), but I definitely would feel super comfortable doing so if the circumstances called for it!

  • I think the point with standing desks is really you just want one that can convert to either be a standing or a sitting desk. And you switch it up from time to time.

    It’s odd the people that advocate for standing only all day. Standing in one spot all day is straight up painful unless you’ve got a nice standing mat. Even then it can suck. Walking all day is different and won’t hurt as much. Long periods of immobility in any position aren’t exactly great for you, whether you’re sitting or standing. Not having the option to sit is also terrible.

    A combo of standing and sitting is best, not one or the other.

  • My supervisor is kind of a bitch to everyone sometimes for no apparent reason tbh and so I just try to stay out of her way. I’m definitely not going to go out of my way to ask her for “pointers”. She has a tendency to do that to people anyway, even if the things she points out to others aren’t even necessarily helpful.

    I mean, I show up to work every day and stay for the duration of my shift. I don’t take excessively long breaks and am basically at my workstation all day. So no one has any complaints about me.

    But objectively I see it. It’s a speed issue, which is not something I am able to get any faster at after doing this for years and years. It’s not impostor syndrome, it’s objective truth. For example, it might take someone 1.5 hours to do a particular task and for me it might take 2.5 hours to do it.

  • It’s not even a shadowban thing. I’ve noticed a lot of subs have hidden requirements for your post to show up in them. If you don’t have enough posts in the sub or your karma isn’t high enough, even if you’re not shadowbanned, your threads just straight up won’t show up… especially if you made a new account recently. But it doesn’t tell you that. It just lets you think that no one cared to look at your post.

    I’ve noticed that some subs don’t seem to be this way and my threads will show up regardless of how often I’ve posted there and regardless of my overall karma.

  • As a socially anxious loner, I didn’t go to prom. Didn’t end up feeling much like I was missing out either. I had been to a few school dances in the past and they always made me very uncomfortable and I didn’t find them fun. I didn’t like how much of a big deal they were made out to be. The one time I had fun around a school dance was when I was hanging out with some people either beforehand or afterwards (can’t remember which) and that part of it was fun. The dance itself wasn’t.

  • Yeah “wefwef” was unique and easily searchable. “Voyager”, not so much. Using a common word for an app is not really a great move if you want users to easily find your product. Still, I love the app and what the dev has done! Unfortunately though since I got a new phone since wefwef’s inception, I no longer have the original pwa or logo on my phone!

    My PWA version was broken with the way the back button worked anyway though so I suppose it’s for the best. I use the APK version now.

  • To be clear, I don’t actually refer to it as a “pullover hoodie”. I just said that for clarification.

    For me,

    A hooded sweatshirt without a zipper = hoodie. In my experience, these are often (but not always) more looser fitting.

    A hooded article of clothing with a zipper = jacket. In my experience, these are often more form fitting.