• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah, I thought it sounded unhinged. But I’m desperate, and don’t want to put myself at risk of a preventable death.

    I’ve spent the greater part of my life as a shut in largely because I’m a sniffling, coughing, sneezing mess all day and night every day for 6-8 months of the year. And simply a sniffly mess for the rest.

    I had one good summer last year and I can’t believe what I’m missing. Being able to do activities like hiking, or biking, going to the grocery store without being treated like I have the plague. Actually being able to go out to a restaurant or public places. Making friends, and actually being able to join them. Going to the movies…etc Not having to carry a whole-ass box a Kleenex with me everywhere I go.

    It made me into a desperate man, realizing how much life I’m missing.

    The comments here are fantastic, and incredibly helpful.

  • I thought I explained that pretty well no?

    If you had a grain of rice that tasted unimaginably, unmitigably, good. The highest quality grain of rice ever seen in the world, in all of history.

    It will not change the flavor of 30k bowls of rice.

    We’re talking an absolutely tiny amount of users here. And we shouldn’t delude ourselves over it, circle jerking for being the “higher society”. Reddit didn’t change because we left, the number of users on Reddit change more on a daily basis than 5 Lemmy’s.

    That said, the smaller niche subs definitely saw some hits. I won’t deny that. However, by definition, a small number of users leaving from small subs isn’t a “gotcha” moment for what I’ve stated. That’s is, almost by definition, what would be expected.

    The discussions here are of higher quality for sure. But you’ll still notice that in many threads it’s almost indistinguishable from Reddit in many ways.

  • What a great way to dismiss an entire problems based that affects our society. It’s easier to just hand wave it away as someone else’s problem than to actually consider it…

    When a problem becomes systematic it’s now a societal and cultural problem and not an individual responsibility problem. Individual responsibility isn’t working so it’s now down to the society this is occurring in to solve the systematic problem in a systematic way.

    That’s how almost everything works

  • Most enterprise software has to meet constantly shifting goals requirements certifications and regulations.

    In most cases it’s complicated because it has to be and because it’s been driven to be complicated over time to meet the complex needs of the business.

    The software will represent the business, if the business is too complicated then the software will be too complicated. It’s impossible to separate the software complication from the business in that sense.

  • douglasg14b@lemmy.world
    toTechnology@lemmy.worldWelcome to the Golden Age of User Hostility
    3 months ago

    I fail to see the claim that the article is false and misleading?

    It sounds like what it states is what it is. Replace the phrase “currently has” with “didn’t” and your issue evaporates.

    Which seems like unfair criticism given that the present or past tensing of an article’s statements are dependent on when it was written and is a rather fluid and interpretable thing. It’s a reasonable expectation that readers can understand and adjust their perspective of past vs present tense without failing to understand what the article is conveying…

    Especially to such a degree where the confusion from the past tense versus present tense of a statement is great enough to be considered “false and misleading”…

  • I’m honestly not even sure what the author’s point is since IIS isn’t exactly popular, or even any sort of default these days.

    I build using Microsoft technologies, and haven’t touched IIs for more than 8 years. I almost entirely use OSS projects, on linux.

    From writing, to testing, to IaC, to the runtime, the server OS, the webserver, the proxy…etc is all FOSS projects these days.

    The only proprietary things I used is the hosting provider itself and their services, and my IDE.

    All that said I want to see Microsoft to succeed simply to spite AWS. We have to have competition, and for the love of god I do not need AWS taking over more of the ecosystem. More competitors more better.