kbin account: e0qdk@kbin.social

This is my Lemmy alt. I’m about 50/50 between kbin and reddthat these days, but my kbin account is more established. If you’re looking for my older posts, check there.

Interests: programming, video games, anime, music composition

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • I don’t know how to do it with KDE’s tools, but on the command line with ffmpeg you can do something like this:

    ffmpeg -i video_track.mp4 -i audio_jp.m4a -i audio_en.m4a -map 0:v -map 1:a -map 2:a -metadata:s:a:0 language=jpn -metadata:s:a:1 language=eng -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4

    Breaking it down, it:

    • runs ffmpeg
    • with three inputs (-i flag) – a video file, and two audio files.
    • The streams are explicitly mapped into the result, counting the inputs from 0 – i.e. -map 0:v maps input 0 (the first file) as video (v) to the output file and -map 1:a maps the next input as audio (a), etc.
    • It sets the metadata for the audio tracks -metadata:s:a:0 language=jpn sets the first audio track (again counting from 0…) to Japanese; the second metadata option sets the next audio track to English.
    • -c:v copy specifies that the video codec should be copied directly (i.e. don’t re-encode – remove this if you DO need to re-encode)
    • -c:a copy specifies that the audio codec should be copied directly (i.e. don’t re-encode – remove this if you DO need to re-encode)
    • output.mp4 – finally, list the name of the file you want the result written into.

    See documentation here: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html

    If you need another language in the future, I think the language abbreviations are the three letter codes from here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes – but I’m not certain on that.

  • I’ve seen 20+ car crashes outside my window in the last few years and cars usually either stay right where they stopped until police (and later tow trucks) arrive in the case of serious accidents or else pull over to the side of the road to exchange insurance information in minor accidents. In some of the moderate cases, I’ve seen the drivers try to move their cars out of the way of traffic but they still stay at the scene. I’ve never seen a car pull into a parking lot after an accident despite there being one literally right there where I live.

  • Glad to know it’s not just me. I think there might be more going on than just a caching issue though since when I look at the URLs requested in my browser’s dev tools it seems like it’s actually requesting the wrong data from the API. It looks like it’s always requesting https://reddthat.com/api/v3/post/list?limit=20&sort=New&type_=Subscribed twice per click for me – with the requests raced – regardless of whether I click on Local or All or try to change the sort order. (Subscribed + New sort order is my default view; you might get something different if you have a different default view or are testing it logged out.)

  • The problem still shows up on my profile (including if I view it logged out) and the order is persistent until I comment – but still jumbled afterwards. e.g. right before posting this “Penguins in the Bathroom [Penguindrum]” is at the bottom of the first page despite being a post I made 4 months ago, and right above it is “It’s just one of those days… [Nichijou]” from just under two months ago with a screenshot from Nichijou as a comment just above that – but my comments on things like the Kendama Core post and the April Fool’s Day Shrek thread are on the second page despite being much more recent.

    Looking at your profile right now as well, I see a comment on “Frequent short downtimes lately?” from 8 months ago at the bottom of the first page while your comment about Meta’s Threads from 2 weeks ago is at the top the second page.

    Looking at it logged out, it seems like it’s trying to sort user profiles by Hot by default. I didn’t notice that before since I have default sort set to New – which it definitely is not doing for profiles even though it adds it to the URL. (I’m not sure if it’s actually the Hot sort though – it might be ignoring that too…)

    (Submitted an issue on mlmym for you)

    Thanks. My ability to interact with Github is limited since I absolutely refuse to give Microsoft my phone number.

  • I’m not sure where this change is coming from (I don’t see a version number update listed), but dark mode in mlmym seems to have very suddenly changed just a few minutes before I posted this – <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_/static/dark.css?v=0.0.40%0a" media="(prefers-color-scheme:dark)"> is missing from updated pages leading to things like the envelope being bright white when it was a nice subtle grey before.

    Edit: It seems like this was also paired with adding the class “dark” to the body, but this is not equivalent to the old appearance. (Removing class="dark" from the body and adding the old CSS link back reverts the styling change as far as I can tell.)

  • This might just be a mlmym issue, but I’ve noticed that posts in profiles are in a jumbled order. e.g. a comment I made a week ago is on the second page of my profile while posts from months ago are on the first page… https://old.reddthat.com/u/e0qdk

    I’ve also noticed that where it says "<thread title> by <username> in <community>" lists the wrong username. It shows the username of the profile you’re viewing when it should be showing the username of who made the thread. (That’s definitely a mlmym issue though and not a new one – it’s just been bugging me.)

    Edit: Found another bug while posting this. "<thread title> by <username> in <community>" when posted without backticks gets rendered as " in ". i.e. everything in angle brackets is removed instead of being escaped. It gets replaced by <!-- raw HTML omitted --> in the output. Something’s really wrong there.