How about non-native English speakers trying to shame English instead?
How about non-native English speakers trying to shame English instead?
Correction, 50% of VOTING Americans are VOTING fascist. Doesn’t necessarily mean they are fascist themselves.
In addition to the other comments here: Don’t run near cows. Quite often, they will start running with you, which is very impressive and dangerous at the same time. Cows generally are faster than you for the first few hundred meters at least.
It seems like part of your thinking is: Why would a criminal invest effort to attack an average John Doe? The answer is: With a popular (widely used) operating system, the effort goes close to zero. Attacks can be automated, so they will be. Also, even if they are not interested in your data, they will be interested in other benefits they gain from controlling your computer:
Oh, OK, that’s nice 😀 I had a huge kettle in mind for 1.5l or something
Is your microwave powered by a hamster? /s
Maybe the name (arabic: الخضيرة, English Al Khidayrah) helps.
Are you sure? Doesn’t the “smart edison bulb” design make it harder to dissipate heat to the casing, therefore making the LEDs get hotter compared to PCBs with LEDs surface mounted on them?
Anyway, if you want your
light bulbsany technology to last long, don’t buy the “smart” variant. “Smart” usually means more components and/or more dependencies on interfaces, and more complexity, so a higher chance to fail.