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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • If they cut your hours to no shifts for a month, file for unemployment. In the US you can often get partial unemployment if you can show you’re not being given hours at your job.

    There’s two main possibilities here, to answer your question:

    1. you’re being phased out by management because somebody doesn’t like you. This means you lost the workplace politics game. You’ll be OK if this is the case, you’re just not a good fit. If this is the case, none of possibility 2 applies because they’re just looking for an excuse to axe you.

    2. you are coming across to people as scarier than you’re intending. It’s pretty common for people working security to be big, tall guys with a good amount of muscle. If that applies to you there’s a decent chance you’re just not seeing yourself the way other people see you. To you, you’re normal, to them you’re a big scary guy trying to be intimidating even if you just cross your arms and think for a second. If this is the case, you’re gonna need to work on your social persona a bit more to come across as friendly as you intend to.

    Unfortunately, you’re not going to find out which is the case until you’re working somewhere else. Whether the people at this place are fucking with you or not, you gotta find a different employer.