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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • A country […] under a revolutionary socialist government is still communist

    I would argue that in a world where the terms are not synonymous, socialist countries are in fact socialist, not communist.

    at least in so far as its following the roadmap

    Following a roadmap to some target literally means that you have not yet achieved that target.
    The argument is not that their are no communists, the argument is that they have not established actual communism, therefore the states they govern are not communist states.
    Whether or not they want to establish communism does not factor into it.

    To claim otherwise would be akin to claiming that a company on a roadmap to profitability is already profitable, while actually still losing money.

  • You’re not going to break the Cuban blockade. You’re not going to settle the endless territorial disputes plaguing Vietnam. You’re not going to undo the legacy of generations of apartheid in South Africa overnight. You’re not going to Make the USSR Great Again.

    So maybe save yourself some angst and stop trying to tell Nicholas Maduro and Kim Jung Un how to do their jobs

    All these "you"s make me think that you might addressing me personally.
    I make no claim to solve anything, nor how anyone should do their job.
    I have provided an (incomplete) explanation as to what communism is, why it does not actually exist in practice and why therefore people commenting cannot be from a communist state.