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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • In wow, I was a death knight gnome in a raid (dungeon finder so it was easy mode). I think it was one of the early warlords of dreanor raids. Anyways 95% of group wiped, but me and the other tank (a paladin) plus a healer (revived with gnomish army knife - which has a huge chance of failure) managed to survive for what felt like 5 minutes. Really upset the dead folks who just wanted us to wipe and start again.

    Unfortuanlty we didn’t have enough DPS and hit the beserk timer and that was the end of that.

    I also loved using the multi-target death grip skill, normally it sucks every mob to your target, great for CC.

    I read you can set your self as target with a macro, so I’d run into the middle of a room and yank everything to me in one go. Super handy when mobs came in from behind and targeted the healer - I just sucked them all in into the stabbing party.

  • I like Typefinity. (I have only used it on iPad, don’t own an iPhone)

    A no nonsense ios keyboard with a number row!

    Privacy wise, they claim to not collect anything. It’s not FOSS and also not free. One time $5. 100% worth it.

    There’s not too much visual customization, but a few themes that include dark, light and few colorful themes. For keyboard settings, there’s everything you’d expect from a keyboard - not too much, but enough to disable things you might not want like click sounds and adjust autocorrect.

    For the part you asked about; Playing around with swipe, it doesn’t seem to work with curse words.

    Honestly, thats probably a good thing. Its better for you and these keybaords’ PR to lean on the side of caution (It could also be requirement from Apple - idk) You wouldn’t want it to mistake “the duck sits on the birch log” for “the fuck shits on the bitch log”.

    Manually typing out bad words has no issues with autocorrection set to max. I normally leave it on “suggestions only” and just use the autofill suggestions as I type big words. Overall the swipe works, I don’t normally use it, but I was able to “swipe” a few simple sentences. I can’t give you a definitivite answer to “is it good”, I type everything like a caveman.

  • If you take them at face value, 1-3 sound like positive goals - I know they’ve been complelty twisted into terrible shit.

    Here’s what I belive they should be.

    1. I don’t care what kind of family you have (lgbtq++ or not), but children need to raised properly. While there’s a million ways to do it, the “ipad” kid isn’t one of them. To me “Centerpeice” means creating an economy/socity where people actually want to raise kids again - from better living wages, reduce the cost of good, housing costs, proper heath care, and work schedules that allow the parents to actually raise the kid. A stay-at-home parent should be optional for the family, thats not so easily acomplished in today’s economy
    2. There’s certently an issue with our goverment administration, from the billions unaccounted for at the pentagon to the town not-elected sherrifs/officals who have zero accountability. That has to be fixed.
    3. Defend the boarder, only let people in legally, and don’t let randoms from any where in the world. If people really are sneaking in by the truck load like they say - what’s stopping someone with a major crimal record of violence from enterering the nation and attacking people. Inaddtion, if we’re going to do major humanitarian projects to help refuges, we need to focus on our own homeless and struggling citizens as well.
    4. Take religion out of the conversation. But, for the most part we do have a lot of freedoms - if you can afford them. In theory, you can live where ever you like, work where ever you like, marry whom you like, and say what you like. In practice, it’s difficult to break generational poverty. People can’t move because they need the money to support their family. Let’s sat your pop was making enough money for your whole family 10 years ago, but now your pop got sick and can’t work, you and your siblings still in school, and your mom is struggling to find anything more than $10/hour because minimum in her state is still $7.25. Government aid is doing just enough for you to keep pop alive, you to eat and keep the house for now. Be careful if drop out of school to start working full time, they’ll drop the aid by double whatever you make so you loose the house if you work, but can’t save for anything if you don’t work.

    Not really sure where I was going with 4…but that needs to be fixed.

  • They’re a solution looking to solve a problem that already has a well established better solution. The modern smart phone and voice assistats have been around for 14+ years…

    For all these Ai devices can currently accomplish, our budget $200 phones can do an unmeasurable amount more.

    If anyrhing, they should be focusing on the voice assistant aspect - “Hey google, add nearest gas station to my trip” “Here’s a list of gas stations (I know you’re driving but please review this list and select one using the tiny select button)” {presses button} “Please enable location data analytics to continue”

  • I’m not going to ask you to go into personal details, but I will attempt to understand by competly guessing.

    You said most movies bother you and its something to do with sensitivity, so I’m guessing its a visual sensitivity that makes the constant flickering or movement on screen terrible for you???

    If thats the case, I could see how The Incredibles 2003 CG, many bright and dark scene, unstable movment in pretty much evety scense from the fire, underwater, everything in the jungle, and the robots fights can be unsettling.

    That or you’re actually a villain. Most movies bother you because the villains loose. Incredibles was particually hard because the villan lost big time. Just a guess.