European Wasps are an invasive species where I live and they’re fucking up a lot of the local flora and fauna. Also “wasps” is a huge group of species and they’re hard to generalise about
European Wasps are an invasive species where I live and they’re fucking up a lot of the local flora and fauna. Also “wasps” is a huge group of species and they’re hard to generalise about
As someone with a degree in Philosophy, I don’t think this is really a philosophical question. The science is interesting and useful to know
We are living in unprecedented times thou. I don’t know that it’s hysterical to point out facts.
Name checks out
Oh yeah. Had exactly the same experience. Thought I was doing OK for a while but came to realise that there are some things that are white hard to do in that game with mouse and kb
With auto aim off?
Took me the longest time to get used to controllers as well. I’m pleased that o know how to use both though. Each scheme is the best at something
Bad faith arguments and hatred of any minority. That covers about 99% of it
How do you know
There’s a teacher with no sense of humour
Here in NZ most wasps are European Wasps which are an invasive species and are very destructive to the local ecosystem
Occupy it? Same thing they’ve been doing to all Palestinian land, piece by piece since the 40s
I love that painting so much
My dog
Oh god no! =)
Yeah I think that’s the problem here. Older uis leant into the faux 3d thing whereas modern designs are mostly flat/minimal
Funny. I thought the No was selected
I hate those widgets! I’ve had this exact problem many times before
Nope. We have introduced bees and bumblebees as well and they’re fine.