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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Others have given you solid answers on why the chicken and watermelon thing was really stupid so I’ll try to answer from the Irish perspective on the second part of your question:

    You can serve me corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick’s day as long as you’re not being a dick about it. I’d probably consider it a nice effort actually if I happened to be abroad on the day.

    My dad used to love corned beef, cabbage and potatoes with parsley sauce. It’s a grand meal but not my thing.

    If you were a unionist who served it to me in a leprechaun outfit I’d be inclined to tell you where to go though.

    Edit: I hope this answers your question. It’s a good question and the answer is nuanced so if I can offer you more perspective let me know, I’d be happy to help.

  • Dubya was definitely way smarter than the media portrayed him at the time. He did very well in the debate against Gore.

    I read that the whole “fool me once” gaffe was down to him not wanting to be have a sound bite of him saying “shame on me”, copped it mid sentence then tried to cobble his way out of it. Not sure how true or accurate that is but it is at least plausible.

  • Plámás. Pronounced plaw-maws. It’s an Irish word that mostly means “gently placate” or “smooth talk” but usually I would use it in the context of placating someone who’s behaving badly.

    e.g. Don’t plámás that eejit. You’ll only encourage him.

    I don’t think it directly translates to English though someone with better vocabulary may correct me.

  • Here’s a decent one. I was pretty close. :D

    I would tend to do 400 / 100 brown to white, no wheatgerm as I said but I do like it it a bit more dense. Higher white flour ratio will have it slightly less dense so up to yourself. It’s technically possible to do with normal milk and baking powder (instead of buttermilk / baking soda) but I would always go with the buttermilk and soda myself.

    I also frequently use that recipe and just roll it out and cut scones out of it with a glass or large cutter. They cook faster for hungry kids and have more crust (which I like).

    Interested to hear if you do give it a whirl. :)

    edit: I had a quick look at your post history and see you’re vegan. Baking powder (probably 2tsp I imagine for the acid + base instead of 1 for just the base when using baking soda) with oatmilk I would imagine would be totally fine. I’m not sure if there are any acidic vegan milks that would be the equivalent of the buttermilk?

    In a pinch I have used cows milk, baking soda and a small amount of vinegar or even lemon juice in the milk for raising. Good luck!

  • I’m gonna get you the proper measurements etc. tomorrow because it’s very late here but the ingredients are:

    400g wholemeal flour

    White plain flour, seived (my own preference is about 1/4 but you let your mouth decide from experience)

    Baking soda

    Pinch of salt

    Buttermilk until it’s fairly mushy

    Honestly you just lump it all together. Make a circular mound out of it. Criss cross with a knife and lob it in the oven on a floured baking tray at 180C for fan.

    I’ll get you a proper recipe in the morning or poke me if I forget. It’s hard to do wrong and I’m not a good baker.