Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
Thanks, I hate it a lot.
Yeah that one messes me up as well. Who of these birthed the cat? Who of these did the cat birth?
Anything from the inventor of the AK-47 regretting the deaths good invention caused and how it doesn’t line up with his Orthodox beliefs, to the guy who decided that two slashes should follow an internet protocol saying it wasn’t necessary; what a list!
Man, that’s amazing!
I could understand having a pet, but not taking in a random stray without question.
Some strange cat walks into my house? It gets plopped right back into the street, that ain’t my cat!
That’s not art, that’s a tool. Tools can be made better through a confident statistics box.
As per Reddit tradition, good bot.
Are you a bot?
I feel I’m going to regret asking this but why?
I was hoping they meant 9 Australian dollars but even then it would be too much.
Seems like they are $1.83 at Walmart if you buy them per 12 ($21.98 / 12 = $1.83 each)
To be fair, they’re about 500mL per can instead of about 700mL but still, that would be $2.75 if you convert it to what Lost_My_Mind listed.
Yeah… It was energy drink.
Doesn’t the web page reload? And thus delete what you were typing?
Luckily it’s federated.
Let it rust, man. It’s in the past.
Yeah, who is this guy, anyway?
Is a position on the gubmint good or bad?
That’s a good way to infinite wishes.
Wait hold up, in Dutch we have glimwormen (“shimmer worms” ) but those don’t fly! They’re actual bioluminecent worms.
Aren’t German Glühwürmchen the same thing?