The locked bootloader is having a lock at all. Without that, anyone can enter at any time.
In reality, home door locks are merely suggestions, they’re trivially picked or broken open, windows can be entered through. But if you DID have a secure building, you wouldn’t want any of the security systems to be replaced.
You get full access to operate in a secure building once you’ve used the key/biometrics/passwords/interrogation. You don’t have access to replace the locks with tinkertoy homebrew shit, because we know that’s not as competent.
I’m still creeped out by Furbies and even Teddy Ruxpins. A machine that looks like it’s alive, repeats nonsense or repetitive questions, is a Terminator or Screamer, just doesn’t have the final firmware installed yet.
Thou shalt not make a machine in the image of a fuzzy object that talks.