the 1920s had a distinct personality though.
2020s are halfway done and I couldn’t tell you a single unique thing about them.
the 1920s had a distinct personality though.
2020s are halfway done and I couldn’t tell you a single unique thing about them.
and you may ask yourself
The death of the monoculture in the 00s and not having an acceptable way to describe the decades since (And if you think the 20s is acceptable, tell me what actually comes to mind when you hear that? it’s the 1920s if you’re honest) has really spread time into one homogeneous lump, we didn’t skip 2 yeas as much as they continued the trend of being the same as everything before them and even the most extreme situation couldn’t break it.
it’s a 2 way street.
respect is freely given and easily lost.
people don’t seem to understand what’s going on here.
Nothing on the infotainment unit needs to be adjusted while driving, it can have a brail interface for all it should matter.
Core controls are being put behind touch screens, that’s the whole point of changing NCAP requirements.
leaving them on a screen with less direct control is objectively worse. need to use turn signal? now you need to select it first.
it’s gonna happen anyway without even trying, and in the meantime I can do a whole bunch of interesting drugs.
ironically Yaoi is the worst offender when it comes to “that’s not how any of this works”
This whole thing started because manufactures are putting core controls behind touch screens. This would in fact be the very definition of “not fine”
literally nothing important should be on the infotainment system anyway.
google maps is showing Chaacosiano for me
I think Mexico needs to manifest some destiny
Monkey paw curls
Same exact cars but with button navigated non-touch screens.
not since turning on do not disturb with an exception for contacts.
last time I got a voicemail that was worth anything your computer speakers would announce it
don’t worry, even the dumbest out there know the universe is locally flat.
robocall speaking mandarin has all the time in the world. Turn voicemail off, no human has ever used it.
the vibe doesn’t, or can’t, exist independently. it is an emergent property of the song and I’d probably call it the aura.
back to stealing bikes I guess
I have to return some videos