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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I don’t know why you’re getting down voted. This is more than a shower thought, understanding this and exploring the ramifications of it will change your life. I’m serious.

    Albedo, black body radiation, energy gradients, inverse square law. Learn about that stuff.

    On the rock there’s a thin layer of slime that changes the albedo of the rock. It redshifts the light that emanates from it just a little bit. But that little red shift, that light that radiates in a slightly higher entropy state, that difference accounts for the entire biosphere, and all the attendant beauty that comes along with that. You love your mother with that energy.

    It makes me wonder, are we really separate from the sun?

  • The term “world war” is a propaganda term. First, the only reason the world was involved was because the world was mostly colonies of the belligerents. In reality it was a European war, and European holdings were involved due to their economics.

    In the second one, there were 2 distinct wars where the belligerents were allied for strategic reasons. The US was at war with Japan and Europe was at war.

    Since the end, peace has been held with a bunch of strategic alliances, so in any real war, all countries take sides. But with the current 2 notable wars going on, it appears that that alliance structure is breaking down. Alliances are not in line with the economic realities of these countries. The more real things get the less these alliances will hold. This is probably a good thing, as it prevents everything from getting out of hand.

  • The term “world war” is a propaganda term. First, the only reason the world was involved was because the world was mostly colonies of the belligerents. In reality it was a European war, and European holdings were involved due to their economics.

    In the second one, there were 2 distinct wars where the belligerents were allied for strategic reasons. The US was at war with Japan and Europe was at war.

    Since the end, peace has been held with a bunch of strategic alliances, so in any real war, all countries take sides. But with the current 2 notable wars going on, it appears that that alliance structure is breaking down. Alliances are not in line with the economic realities of these countries. The more real things get the less these alliances will hold. This is probably a good thing, as it prevents everything from getting out of hand.

  • Dude that entire Wikipedia article is a wild ride. It has got to be one of the most bizarre Wikipedia articles I have ever read. I remember reading it a while back and thinking, wow, some guy that knows about this stuff inside and out just wrote an article about how to develop a nuke. It’s a walkthrough on building out a nuclear program. The level of detail in it is astonishing. I’m very happy to live in a world where I can just access whatever information I want.

  • Yeah man, used to be you could spend like 5 or 6 bucks and get something quick. Full meal too. Nowadays I think those companies are just riding on inertia, Americans are used to eating it and still have this idea that it’s cheaper even though if you think about it for a second it’s not. By the time you pay it’s like 10-12 bucks. Meanwhile there’s a Cuban lady down the street, she has no menu, she just makes one thing each day it’s something different, whatever she wants, you don’t get to decide, you hand her 10 bucks and she hands you a little box of the most delicious surprise you’ve ever had. Why would I pick the corpo garbage over that?

  • I started living this way too. Honestly, fast food doesn’t even have a value proposition anymore. It’s not cheaper than some local family run taco or burger truck/shack, and significantly crappier. Also, the lady or guy handing you your food keeps the money after paying the cook and what not, if they’re not the cook themselves. I’d rather that than it go to frozen patty distributors and stock buybacks or whatever they’re up to these days.

    It’s marginally cheaper than a run of the mill sit down joint.

    Also soda… I don’t understand why anyone drinks that shit. I used to, then I stopped, and now when I try it it’s gross honestly. Syrup with bubbles in it. You want some, make some ginger ale, its easy and delicious. You cut up some ginger, cook it in a pot with sugar and water, let it cool, put it in a pressure bottle and pitch yeast, it’s ready in a couple of days.

    I’ve never ordered door dash or any of that stuff, as soon as I heard about it o was put off by the idea.

    You’ve got the right idea man. No lazy food. If it’s not worth effort you’re not actually hungry.

  • mister_monster@monero.towntoScience Memes@mander.xyzHey there gamers
    2 months ago

    The sum of all natural numbers smaller than and including x is equal to


    The sum of all even numbers up to and including x is that minus (n/2)² so


    That would mean the sum of all odd numbers under x is equal to


    or sum of all odd including x (if x is odd of course) is


    Since the sum of all even numbers up to x is the sum of all numbers minus the sum of all odd numbers.

    [-(x/2)² +2x +1]/2 (another way of writing the sum of all evens under and including a number) looks suspiciously polynomial. I want to go further.


    Interestingly, the sum of all evens under and including x is larger than the sum of all odds under x by half of x. So

    [(x+1)(x/2)-(x/2)²]-(x/2) = (x/2)²

    So another formula for sum of all evens is



    2[(x/2)²]+(x/2) = (x+1)(x/2)

    The left is the sum of all odds plus the sum of all evens under and including x, the right is the original formula we started with, sum of all natural numbers under and including x. Since they both give us the total sum for all natural numbers up to and including x, the left hand side is a different formula giving us the same result!