Furry (feral dhole), he/him, feet/(hind)paw worshipper, car appreciator, mechanical watch wearer, cloud engineer, thinkpad/pop!os!!/i3wm user, occasional synth/guitar/handpan player, car/track enthusiast
Avatar and banner artist: Heatherwolf
Migrated from https://yiffit.net/u/noxy
Sure it can:
it had a ridiculous amount of safeties to protect people’s privacy
The hell it did, that shit was gonna snitch on its users to law enforcement.
Is a prompt which results in output that satisfies the user in and of itself art, in your view? or only the actual output?
Photography is absolutely art. Humans put a lot of thought and intent into what and how they photograph and how they process and exhibit the photos.
I’d say that some stuff like JWST images definitely count as art, and some such imagery is far more technical and research focused than purely emotional. Maybe some visually boring but scientifically significant images aren’t artistic to laypeople. Nuance here is totally fine.
I vehemently disagree that all machine output is art.
Art has to be made by people. It’s literally not art otherwise.
That’s a fucking wiretap, yo