• 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • I’m a Salesforce administrator.

    Best Part - when I get to sit down and create a cool new feature or automation for my org, something that makes everyone’s lives easier and better.

    Worst Part - having to teach users the most basic shit ever, like how to make a simple report.

    Special Edition Worst Part - When I know things that my senior admin should know but doesn’t because she doesn’t seem to pay attention to anything she hasn’t directly touched, despite daily standups.

  • I am a woman whose father was an abusive narcissist, the list of what I needed and didn’t get is depressing to say the least. So I’ll boil it down to its essence: Be there when needed. Remember she is her own person, not an extension of you. Try to make her life better than your own. Let your love be unconditional. It may not be helpful advice, but it’s all I got for ya.

  • Wow thank you for the comprehensive write up! At this time we won’t be getting a new car–my husband and I are squirreling away our money for a down payment in the event we ever find a house, and since both our cars are still in fantastic condition, that takes precedence. But I will save your post, just in case!

  • Hey thanks for posting this–both the original post and your own anecdote. I think personal hygiene is something that should be more comfortably chatted about. It’s weird cause most people are like “ew TMI” and yeah it can wind up in that space, but at the same time, I think there’s a lot of stuff people are lacking in knowledge in just cause it’s kind of embarrassing to talk about!

    Anyway I think I also had this in my early 20s; at least I hope so. I remember scrubbing harder and harder under my pits and one day seeing something slough off and until recently I’ve always assumed I killed a bunch of skin and it all came off. But given the symptoms I had been having at the time, I think this might have been it.

  • Helping me break down annoyingly long/poorly formatted code segments so I can think more clearly about how to troubleshoot them.

    Generating meal plan ideas (I generally do my own thing but having it pick out proteins for any given day of the week helps me to mix things up)

    Assisting me as a GM in games for the reasons other people have already mentioned. I also have my hands on a module that lets an LLM pose as an NPC and give dialogue when spoken to that is absolutely fantastic when my players want to talk to some random NPC I don’t give a shit about.

    Those are the biggest and most every day things.

  • Let me put things in this perspective.

    It’s not realistic to expect to be able to put trigger warnings for a large population of strangers on the internet. You’re right; when putting it in blanket terms like that, it is silly.

    However, there are two things where you could be mindful of others. The first are talking about highly prevalent and violent topics in detail: rape, csa, domestic abuse springs to mind. Things where you probably either know of, or have heard of, someone suffering long term as a direct result of the trauma these events inflict.

    But if that’s still too broad for you, then you should keep your close friends and family into consideration and talk to them if you know one of them has gone through an extremely difficult life event. If nobody in your personal circle has experienced such things, then like the other commenter said: I’m very happy for you and them. If someone has, then even just saying “Hey do you want a heads up if this topic comes up in our group chat?” is enough. Maybe they’ll say yes. Maybe they’ll say no. But now you know what their wishes are and can act accordingly with respect to that.

    Honestly that’s all people really want, I think.