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Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • It absolutely can be sustainable without exploiting labor. All it takes is for owners to settle for less profit.

    I’ve typed up and re-written a couple of paragraphs a few times just to realize I’d be better off linking this video. Basically, there used to be more business models in the food industry that helped to feed it an laborers- people who may not have a kitchen and probably didn’t have time to go buy groceries, cook, and clean. These businesses (automats, lunch wagons, diners) took a more utilitarian approach to food to make it affordable and nutritious, rather than the luxury experience “eating out” is today.

  • Local pizza places are usually both cheaper and better than chains, at least in every neighborhood I’ve lived in. I think they are better than frozen pizzas, but also about 2x the cost. Both vary from place to place though.

    Aldi’s pizzas are my go-to for value. Usually around $6 a pop now (they were $3.29 pre-pandemic). I add extra cheese and toppings to remind myself I’ve made it in life.

  • Most baking doesn’t require the precision of weighing. They are rough proportions, not an exact science.

    An experienced baker, or really any kind of chef, will learn over time to make minor adjustments based on a lot of stuff. Maybe a bit less sugar, to taste. Maybe a difference in the brand or exact type of ingredient compared to what you’re used to. Maybe it’s a particularly dry day and you need to add more moisture to the dough.

    If it’s something I have a lot of experience with I don’t even bother with measuring at all, just eyeball it.