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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • In languages that distinguish definiteness (e.g. English) usually if you’re talking about a “kind of thing”, you can use either the definite or indefinite form and make sense. Only if you’re talking about a specific thing does the distinction matter: “a mirror” = a mirror I’m now introducing and you don’t know about yet, “the mirror” = the mirror we talked about before and you already know about; but either form can mean “mirrors in general”. There are slight stylistic differences what’s preferred in what contexts depending on the language, but in German too you can say “in den Spiegel schauen”.

  • The Internet has never been as large and diverse as it is now. In the 2000s Wikipedia was often the only place where you could find generally useful information about the world on the Internet, now everything in it plus many other things can be found on many other websites competing for algorithmic attention.

    The real thing about today’s Internet is that on it, censorship happens not by having too little information, but too much, much of which will never be shown to very many people because of the algorithms of search engines or social media recommendation systems. I don’t do a lot of “social media” and always find it weird to hear about personalities there who apparently have thousands or millions of followers but whom I have never heard of before.