I think most people just don’t pay attention. Perhaps when the shitnami hits the fan, people will start to react.
I think most people just don’t pay attention. Perhaps when the shitnami hits the fan, people will start to react.
Is Common Dreams reliable? It sounds like something you’d name your high school blog. Any reporting if this elsewhere?
That’s what they call ‘stealing’ or ‘piracy’ when the serfs do it.
I read somewhere that the US president can only impose tariffs of up to 25% unilaterally and that anything higher requires congressional approval.
Could be that when it’s considered ‘retaliation’ that changes the rules.
I’m expecting something along these lines.
Of course they’re incompetent. Trump is a Russian asset in that he has a Dollarstore intellect and is easy to manipulate. No bribes necessary.
Yeah, they won’t. Miss KFC 2024 and his base have them in a vice grip. They know they’ll receive credible threats if they speak out against him. Or worse; lose their seat and all the bribe money that come with it.
Where in Canada, and what store? I only ever see the usual US brands or store’s own. As a massive chip guzzler, it’s been traumatic having to go without.
Well, they do have a Gerry Springer guest in the White House.
I doubt anything is going to stop Putin in the long run, other than a definitive loss. I’m interested to see how Trump responds when he’s forced to confront the fact that geopolitics is not like demanding a refund at McDonalds because your nuggies are cold.
This guy looks like the offspring of Noddy and a glazed ham.
Is AI the new NFT? Omfg, when will it end?
They seem that way because they are.
LEMMEE IN! (ノ゜ー゜)ノ
Kindling for November 5th.
Do it! Many have already deleted their accounts, including me, and the only thing that has really changed is that delivery takes a bit longer.
I can’t deny the convenience Amazon provide people in terms of their logistics and the range of products available in one place.
In saying that, it’s really not that difficult to forgo, and there are plenty of alternatives. Don’t buy books: get a library card. Buy your electronics from Canada Computers or other similar stores. Healthy Planet and Well.ca are great for cosmetics and self care. Trade prime for a Plex server. There are plenty of options.
I fully deleted my amazon account at the start of this Trump mess and asked them to delete all of my personal data. Life goes on.
God. A return to the mean for US foreign policy. What will this be? The 10th US invasion of Panama?
I guess we better start taking the Greenland and Canada shit more seriously.