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  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022

  • Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s not CHS. From what I’ve read, CHS is similar to overdosing, and is mostly associated with habitual users. The very first time I got stoned, decades ago, I spent the entire night in my car parked outside of a friend’s house trying to not be violently ill. Since then, after legalization, I’ve gotten mildly stoned on edibles a couple of times to no ill effect, but the third time the nausea was back.

    I’ve found no reference about it online. I’ve asked about it, online. I don’t know of it’s allergies in my case; if I mini-dose - amounts small enough that I can’t notice any effect, but more than homeopathic doses - I’m fine. But as soon as I take enough to geta even a mild high, bang: nausea.

    It’s really frustrating, because I suffer from chronic lower back pain (thanks, Army!) and I’d even gotten a prescription (before it was recreationally legal in my state) in an attempt to achieve the pain relief associated with cannabis.

    I’ve now chalked it up to a paradoxical effect. I suspect the anti-nause mechanism in THC is behaving differently in my biome and instead triggers nausea. Maybe that can be classified as an allergy? Although I expect if it were a traditional allergy, any amount would trigger nausea. And a little cannabis doesn’t make me a little sick; it’s either all or nothing.

    My other theory is that it’s zero-G sickness. When I get high, I get a head-spinning effect, and that sort of thing over a long term induces nausea in me.

    I don’t know what the fuck it is, but it’s gods-damned annoying.

  • I can’t speak for other Americans (USA, in particular, which is who I assume you meant), but for me it’s the nature of the oligarchical regime and their views on individualism. I’ve read the Chinese CSL, and spent a couple of days in a session presented by international lawyers and security professionals explaining what it meant for our business, how we needed to navigate it, and how it was being implemented. It’s scary.

    Information is power; specific information about you is power over you. It’s control.

    As for the government, I think it’s more a matter of the fact that China is far more well positioned and equipped to surveil US assets. Russia is bumbling, pre-occupied, and doesn’t make any computer components we use. Chinese chips, on the other hand, are in everything. The US is worried that, in a conflict, we could discover that China is able to simply… turn off all of the F35s. Or shut down or coopt firing systems on our war ships. Or disable coms or NV gear of ground troops. All of our modern equipment is computerized to more or lesser degree, and the failure of even seemingly simple resisters, sourced from China, could result in misoperation of gear, at best. If the espionage is more sophisticated, with more important components, it’s conceivable China could locate and monitor assets; missiles which ignore counter measures and always hit because the target is broadcasting a homing signal.

    Most off these hypotheticals are probably not within the realm of current technology, and that what access China is able to embed in computer components is far more limited. But we don’t really know, and it’s far more dangerous to underestimate than to overestimate capabilities.

  • You need to inflate it to just over 100 so that the air that escapes when you pull the inflater leaves the tire at 100.

    An easy trick is to press in on the tire with your shoulder as you’re inflating; really push into it, and it adds just enough to offset the air loss when you stop inflating. Dad used to use his head, and that worked great because the smaller surface area of the top of his head meant more PSI, but I’m not as tough as dad and it hurts my neck to do it that way, so I use my shoulder.

    Anyway, don’t give up! You can get there, and a properly inflated tire can improve your mileage. Most people don’t keep their tires properly inflated and are just wasting money.

  • Yeah, despite the strong anti-crypto sentiment on Lemmy, this is exactly the problem that projects like Nostr is trying to solve by integrating Lighting as a first-class payment system in the ecosystem.

    Services get paid for by one of four ways:

    • Harvesting and reselling of user data. Which is wildly unpopular, and why a lot of people are on Lemmy and not Reddit or Facebook.
    • Ads. Which is also unpopular and again why people come to services like Lemmy
    • Pay-for-service, which is what you’re suggesting, only via crypto, which is easier than accepting credit card transactions, and safer for users.
    • The hosted paying for it out of the goodness of their hearts. So, charity. Sometimes there’s corporate charity, and that’s nice, except for the potential for money coming with strings attached, now or eventually.

    Someone always pays; its expensive to host a popular instance. People suggesting you should host for free are selfish freeloaders, so know that some people understand that hosting costs, and sympathize with with your desire to offset that cost.

    I like the volunteer micro-transaction model. Those who can afford to pay some amount for good service, and hopefully this provides welfare for those who can’t afford to pay. But the cryptocurrency space is a mess at the moment, and an economical currency (probably proof-of-stake rather than proof-of-work) needs to gain some traction, and overcome a lot of ignorant bigotry.

  • The power to choose, just before dying, to come back to life as a healthy 30 y/o.

    But you probably meant only selfless acts allowed, hence the “sacrifice” verbiage. In that case, instantaneous worldwide post-scarcity society. That’d address most of the world’s ills, eventually. Being ultra-rich means nothing in post-scarcity; not needing Middle-East oil and African mineral resources would eliminate most international meddling in those locations. While it wouldn’t immediately address climate change or cure all diseases, it’d mean enough food and energy for everyone, and it’d give us the means to accomplish these.

    If so many of us weren’t spending all our time working just to feed, clothe, and house ourselves, we could accomplish much as a species.

  • But control of the protocol - the definition and development - is still controlled by the for-profit company, right? It hasn’t been handed over to a nonprofit governance committee, has it?

    Federation or not, if Bluesky dominates the protocol, they can decide to stop federating and essentially kill the independent servers. Much like what Signal did. Sure, you can run your own Signal server, but without access to the dominant player’s market, and using a protocol that’s controlled monopolistically, it’s practically useless to do so - which is why almost nobody does it anymore.

  • Many states have legal medically assisted suicide, and some of those have relaxed restrictions on residency. This means that, with some hoops to jump through, and understanding that it isn’t entirely elective (I don’t think chronic depression will satisfy the constraints), you can travel to (e.g.) Oregon and commit a medically assisted suicide.

    My favorite is the Sarco Pod, which seems an elegant, humane solution which is, unfortunately, not yet employed anywhere. To my knowledge, Switzerland - where it was invented - currently has a ban on its usage, and I don’t know that its been exported anywhere yet.

    There are a lot of potential situations where I’d like the option of having one last vacation with my wife in a lovely destination, ending with a visit up a Sarco Pod. If I’m diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other form of dementia; any of several forms of cancer; or some of the more nasty diseases like some types of scleroderma, where the pain receptors in your skin are firing 24/7, forever, and the best treatment available gives you cancer. Assuming that cures haven’t been found, I want to be able to just end it before it gets bad.

    I think it was Lindybeige who said,

    [if I die], then nothing happens. I’ve experienced nothing; I was there for most of the existence of the universe before I was born, and it was fine.

    Rather that than unrelieved suffering and financially draining every resource of my family.