Ding ding ding!
I’m in similar -ish…
Wife who is immature mentally and cheated for 25 years got called out. Now stays simply because she isn’t financially responsible and wouldn’t survive on her own. My extended family is now blocked from contact after my mother croaked, so they no longer influence her. Quote my mother “I wanted a daughter instead of you”… Her second husband literally was one of the guys, set up by my mother.
Wife lives in separate bedroom. Not a romantic partner.
Girlfriends (2) live in other part of house with me. They are platonically connected to each other, and the 3 of us fully integrated.
While there’s tension with the wife still occasionally, the original arrangement was due to being stuck where not only would she have likely wound up homeless, it would have also made me and our kid homeless too. Now kid is adult, and things are mostly stable so no major changes unless the wife can become financially stable. If to when that’s not an issue, we will separate amicably.
Preconceived notions of “that will harm the kid!” Etc have all been amazingly strong baselines for identifying and stopping contact with toxic people who use labels instead of just asking the kid how they feel about it.
We have never tried to have the kid call anyone else “Mom”. Weird how far that one goes.
Oof, was not aware. Appreciate the heads up.
I use Obtainium to perform the install and update directly. Might be of use if the delay with Google annoys you too.
You then just put the GitHub link into it and it handles the rest.
More likely at this point, he’d do “Heil Musk!”
Trump is just a tool. In so many definitions.
Different groups selling different things. OpenStack still around, albeit a shell of it’s former scale
… You do realize that they still have hundreds of thousands of VMs in their OpenStack services? Those are VMs too.
Hell back in 2008 Slicehost had more than 40k VMs before Rackspace bought em.
Wait till you hear about places like AWS or Azure…
… I’d summon a few billion directly overlapping the physical space of a corrupt politician. If outdoors, in a tall column directly above, preferably several tons worth per capita.
Some choice people from this list I have would also receive a suborbital baguette infusion.
The downside is trying to deal with the stale fallout and subsequent mess the pummeled flesh and dough would leave after… Birds everywhere would go nuts.
Some nurses still trying to save a life from a distance…
“It was a musical thing. You were supposed to sing, or dance, while the music was being played.” -Alan Watts
That’s the clearest I’ve heard it proposed so far, so I’m sticking with that.
Came for these, leaving satisfied.
“Moooom! Bathroom! BATHROOM!”
Depends, are you a CEO?
Most excellent! Thank you!
Pisstape and the Dumpster Fires