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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Hmm, fair.
    I liked it cause i could dockerise it next to nginx and do SNI forwarding.
    It had obvious and declarative config, which helped me get a redundant tunnel set up. Its great at auto-reconnecting.
    I have never used ssh tunnels. Maybe its just as easy as using rathole. Learning ssh tunnels might have been a better path for me.
    But rathole clicked, has been rock solid with 0 tinkering or tweaking, the config files make sense, its easy to in a docker container…

    So, i cant really answer your question.

  • I can recommend rathole ( https://github.com/rapiz1/rathole ).
    All it does is port forwarding. Easy to configure, easy to reason about, easy to dockerise.
    If you need reverse proxying, you have to set that up either on the public server, or on local infra (chances are, you already have reverse proxy locally so rathole just needs to forward 80/443).

    If its only for personal access (ie, you dont want services actually accessible by the internet) i can recommend tailscale for that. Its an auto-configuring wireguard VPN whose main selling point is NAT traversal. Very easy to set up, and very reliable.

  • Decent DNS providers allow you to create NS records for subdomains.
    This delegates the subdomain and all of its subdomains to another DNS.

    Useful for companies that want to control their own records, but might want to allow a group of developers control over app.example.com and all subdomains, without the developers having to pester the company for record updates.

    Also used for acme-dns, which is a self hosted DNS designed to only deal with txt records for acme DNS challenges (ie lets encrypt).
    Means you can limit the possible disaster of the DN API keys being leaked (an attacker can only generate TXT records, instead of rewriting all your DNS records)

  • I agree.
    Pis are great for tinkering, GPIO things, or ultra low power.
    Plenty of older hardware out there that is as powerful (or more so), more reliable (ie, not an sd card), and more maintainable (ie can swap CPU/ram/disks/fans/psu).
    But, power consumption is always a concern. At $0.30/kwh, 10 watts is $27 per year.
    So, if a pi draws 5w and an SFF draw 25w, thats $55 per year. Any price benefit of a larger/older PC is negligiable after a year or 2, so reliability probably wont come into it.

  • Im pretty sure an incel blames women for not being able to get a relationship.
    Its the change in mental framing from “maybe i should work on myself” or “i just havent had the right opportunity” to more of a “women hold too much power over me and are playing with me” or “ive done everything right, women owe me this”

    Wikipedia sums it up better than i can:

    Description of incels

    The subculture is often characterized by deep resentment, hatred, hostility, sexual objectification, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, blaming of women and the sexually successful for their situation (which is often seen as predetermined due to biological determinism, evolutionary genetics or a rigged game), a sense of futility and nihilism, rape culture, and the endorsement of sexual and nonsexual violence against women and sexually active people.


    So, unless you find yourself blaming/resenting women, then you arent an incel. Your still just figuring things out like tge rest of us!