Fortunately, there seems to be a growing resentment about that with the GOP electorate for this very issue. We’ll have to see if it’s enough to help tip the scales.
Fortunately, there seems to be a growing resentment about that with the GOP electorate for this very issue. We’ll have to see if it’s enough to help tip the scales.
Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. The Democrats may be weak as shit right now, but I’d be shocked if they get a 2/3 of vote at all, let alone enough times to impeach all of the judges who are at least trying to stop musk and Trump from their project 2025 ambitions.
After a tantrum like that, I’m not the 12-year-old here.
Irrational hatred of a web browser really isn’t a very valuable pursuit of your time. I suggest something else.
Literally, none of that is true. Your heat has made you unreasonable. I don’t have time for unreasonable people.
Literally, none of this is true. Just because you don’t like Safari doesn’t mean you need to lie about it.
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Alan Turing committed suicide. While it was due to his depression because of the “treatment” he was forced to endure, nobody killed Alan Turing by himself.
Kitty is recharging!
It’s not my job to think for you. I already explained this more than once. You have trouble understanding it, have someone else explain it to you.
You’ve let your metaphor run away from you. This isn’t even close to the actual situation at hand.
We got electric cars when all we had was the internal combustion engine. What a silly metaphor.
But it’s nice to hear you admit that I was right, and that the browser could definitely still be developed. The proof, of course, is that there are dozens of web browsers out there in active development.
Looks like I touched a nerve…
If people have been saying this for 20 years, then, yeah. Thanks for making my point for me.
That’s the exact argument you’re making: that X tools are the only way to develop a browser. Ignoring the entire world of other devices available.
That’s not holding back browser development, that’s just holding back browser usage.
That’s definitely not the same thing.
I have no idea exactly what that means.
But Apple provides extensions for most functionalities, but, as you mentioned, they’re more limited because Apple used to require that extension developers register a $100 per year account in order to develop extensions.
They don’t do this anymore, but it was a big reason why Safari got held back, especially in the beginning of the browser wars.
With a pic like this, who could say?
He kissed Trump’s ring to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Then he came out explicitly endorsing Trump. Plus, he’s a neo-Nazi shit bag.
That’s what happened