• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I don’t dislike dogs, but I wish fewer people owned them. Too often, they are left to whine and bark incessantly because the owner didn’t consider they might need training, or that many dogs don’t do well when they are left alone.

    And no, getting two dogs isn’t a substitute for training or attention. In all likelihood, they’ll just feed off each other and bark even more.

  • I’d say all people can benefit from different types of workout. Like flexibility training and yoga is more likely to be done by women but if you don’t want to start making old man sounds every time you sit down by age 30, it’s a good idea.

    Similarly, women can benefit from strength training as much as men, particularly since they have a greater loss in muscle mass into old age (causing other health problems). And despite stereotypes, you’re not going to become huge just from lifting heavy weights (and a middle aged man is not going to become a lithe gymnast just from flexibility training).

  • Too slow to build, too expensive, and entirely unsuited for a renewable heavy grid because the economics require it is left on at all times. And that renewable heavy grid will happen even if they ban all further renewable rollouts, simply from individuals and businesses adding more panels and batteries. Is the grid going to curtail all of that solar energy just so nuclear can be left on?

    The whole thing is a transparent attempt by the fossil fuel industry to delay the renewable rollout for as long as possible, just so they can make a few more dollars. And the Coalition are ready and willing to do their bidding.

  • New South Wales councils that meet and beat new housing targets will be given extra cash for sporting facilities, parks, footpaths and road maintenance as part of the state government’s push to build nearly 400,000 new homes over the next five years.

    It seems to be more that housing is already being built but that councils can’t afford to add the supporting infrastructure, so this will help with that. But this should also help with encouraging councils to meet those housing targets, when they know they’ll get additional funding.

    On closer read, I see what you mean. I think this may be the key point:

    The government will set aside $200m in grants to encourage the dozens of councils with updated local housing targets to do more; money will go only to the councils that meet “key milestones”.

    I assume those key milestones would not mean they’ve already met the new targets, but have shown progress on them. So councils that aren’t making a sincere effort don’t get the extra funding. Would be nice to see more detail and what the milestones are.

  • I don’t think enough people are on rent assistance to meaningfully impact inflation (and the maximum amount is quite low even with the increase). I see it more as a politically expedient way to give a small increase to the welfare payments, since it’s an easier sell to people who hate “dole bludgers” (even if the effect is mostly the same) and most people on the payments are renters.

  • I think for the short to medium term energy prices will continue to increase so this is where the rebates will help. The investments to renewable energy are happening but without a war time level effort it’s going to take some time for that to translate to lower prices. And you could argue that people that don’t qualify for welfare but are on low incomes should receive it too, and that it’s simpler and perhaps even less costly to just give it to everyone (due to administration costs from targeting).

    On the other hand, I could see all of this bill support disencouraging people from getting rooftop solar and home batteries, and it might have a small effect on inflation (particularly from the wealthy who are already feeling pretty willing to spend). Although it might push some people to electrify more of their home if prices are low, so that could counter that somewhat.