Steering the helm of a massive advertising company that misleads and manipulates users does not seem masculine to me.
Steering the helm of a massive advertising company that misleads and manipulates users does not seem masculine to me.
IIRC Meta was one of the first companies to publicly release a language model that you could run on your computer, called llama. Hence the naming of projects like llama.cpp and ollama.
I would like to add that the way movies use raytracing (usually called path tracing in that context) is very different from how games use raytracing. While animated movies will simulate every ray of light to create the entire image, games use raytracing typically only for reflections and global illumination, while the rest of the image is still rendered using traditional techniques. (I’m no expert, though I have spent a bunch of time using Blender and playing around with Minecraft Raytracing mods)
Every year, Linux phones get just a bit better…
They better have had traffic cones on their heads. The mental image that creates is quite funny with the contrast to the serious businesmen trying to sell AI one booth over.