There are a few opinions floating around on either or not downvotes should be disabled.

I’m interested to see what everyone thinks and if there’s a majority consensus one way or the other.

So please reply in this thread with your preference and why. You can also debate it in the comments.

Edit 23-03-2024 - Thanks everyone for your feedback. It looks like opinions are split on this, with good arguments made on either side. As downvotes aren’t currently a big issue, we’ll leave them as they are and we can revisit this again in future if things change.

  • airrow
    10 months ago

    I am against downvotes and for “ratioing” people if you don’t like the post by piling on disagreeing comments

    Tiktok was like this for a while and then allowed downvotes but they didn’t affect score

    Is Twitter without downvotes? I think there are some sites where it is a successful approach