• GovCCC
    3 months ago

    Hold up, kid, you think offering me ravioli would make me nicer to you? You think a plate of pasta is gonna buy you brownie points with me? Fuck no!

    I’m not some cheap politician who can be bought off with a free meal. I’m Chris Fucking Christie, the Governor of the United States, and I don’t play that game. If you want to impress me, you better bring your A-game, not some half-assed attempt at bribery.

    Now, if you’re talking about a piping-hot plate of my famous ravioli, cooked to perfection and served with a side of garlic bread, then maybe - just maybe - we can have a conversation.

    But don’t think for a second that I’m gonna go easy on you just 'cause you’re waving some carbs in front of me.

    You gotta earn my respect, kid, and so far, you ain’t shown me shit. So, what’s it gonna be? You gonna step up your game or keep wasting my time?