An unnamed mother has sparked backlash when she confessed that she named her daughter after a piece of furniture - and kept it a secret from her for 25 years. Pictured is a stock image.
‘On a more serious note yes, you messed up, but since you commented that daughter dislikes being called [Shaide] and wants to change names, I feel like if you help with the costs/bureaucracy she may forgive you more easily.’
This is a fair comment, tbh.
It would be highly inappropriate for a boy named Josh or a girl named Jessica to expect such a demand but, yeah, if you go out on a limb naming your kid and they’ve regretted it their whole life, it might be a nice gesture to smooth things over to pay the fees for delousing their name.
This is a fair comment, tbh.
It would be highly inappropriate for a boy named Josh or a girl named Jessica to expect such a demand but, yeah, if you go out on a limb naming your kid and they’ve regretted it their whole life, it might be a nice gesture to smooth things over to pay the fees for delousing their name.