If you use referral link you get 10gb more storage, filen is open source and should be more privacy oriented than your average cloud storage provider

  • splinterA
    6 months ago

    I use mega (I pay for it), it’s great, their linux app is legitimately very good too and transfers shit at line speed.

    I tend to not buy into “I dindu nothing and they deleted my account” type of claims because generally speaking, when someone cries wolf over that, they probably did something but just don’t personally consider it against the rules. That’s not really a big concern for me either as any cloud storage is a backup for your data, not the only location where that data exists. I’m more concerned about their ability to access and do shit with my data, and so far there’s nothing to suggest that it isn’t all encrypted.

    Kim Dotcom was one of the founders, he was eventually bought out or something, whatever, I’m not sure why he’d be a concern either, it’s a bit the other way around, he was one of the draws.

    • kernelpanicOP
      6 months ago

      actually mega makes regular warnings if u dont use their crappy/sketchy cloud service so if you dont opem it long time your files could be deleted, ok now i trust mega even less now that ik kim dotcom founded it, isn’t he sketchy hacker/scammer or have i misunderstood something?

      • splinterA
        6 months ago

        Kim Dotcom was cool, he originally founded Megaupload which quickly became one of the biggest (if not the biggest) player in cloud storage at the time. The only downside is lots of people used it to transfer copyrighted shit and Megaupload mostly turned a blind eye to it.

        The US actually got NZ to raid his fucking mansion with the swat team like he was some kind of drug kingpin or some shit, I mean the dude’s just a fat gamer nerd who used to be a hacker once upon a time lol.

        Anyway after this whole saga and Megaupload being shut down, he founded Mega with some people in the idea of walking the strictly legal road with it. It worked really well, but they had some drama or some shit so he left.

        That’s my short summary of it, the Internet knows more