• AliceOPMA
    11 months ago

    I still use reddit to. I get your point in your last paragraph. But I think it’s politics that is the problem honestly.

    Look at all the other instances, they just come to a dead end in my opinion, because they don’t want to shut the fuck up about politics.

    Social media is either, political, memes, or tiktok videos. With politics usually taking over. Not allowing for a variety of opinion which would actually make it interesting.

    Segregate politics and make everyone play by the same rules. This is the solution in my view. You’ve got to keep it equal so one side doesn’t drown out the other. But no one wants to do that.

    But then you have the issue that, people on the left for example, will not participate in a site that allows right leaning or center views at all.

    • airrow
      11 months ago

      well, it seems like things got polarized over the last decade (2010s). prior to that the left was about “freedom of expression”, which would allow for the freedom to say racist things for example. They thought you could overcome “bad speech” with “good speech”, or that “bad speech” could simply be ignored. At some point they seemed to totally abandon this principle and it seems more like it’s the right-wing that tends more in this view today.

      So basically leftists want to ban things they don’t agree with. “centrist” or “independent” sites that just allowed people to say whatever, now basically aren’t tolerated by the left, so they become in practice “right-wing” spaces. And then the right-wing spaces are right-wing. So it’s mostly either leftist places online or right-wing, as any place that allows “freedom” becomes right wing it seems.

      so the left’s authoritarian stance has kind of tried to politicize everything, because if it isn’t leftist then it’s rightist. even if you try to have “eveyrone play by the same rules”, this gives freedom to the right, the right usually wins out, so it ends up being “right-wing”, and leftists reject it ahead of time.

      idk how this will resolve, like I am wondering what the world will look like when boomers hand over leadership to Gen XYZ