It trips me out when I’m browsing movies to watch, and I see actors that use to be considered like ‘it’ back in the day.

I don’t think young people even know who Deneese Richard’s is. Or, remember when Charlie Shean went fucking nuts with the whole ‘winning’ shit ?

Or, Hailey Joel Osman. Remember him? He was in A.I., The Sixth Sense, I mean fuck.

He was a super popular and REALLY GOOD child actor.

It seemed like all the really big directors like Spielberg used him for their films. Big block buster movies. I don’t think there is one shitty movie he was in. They were all big and with really famous actors.

There’s so many new actors and actresses now. Idk to me, they are not iconic at all and movies aren’t the same anymore either.

Just crazy how like they aren’t relevant anymore

  • Lovstuhagen
    5 months ago

    Hailey Joel Osman


    That’s just wild - haven’t seen him in a minute, and I think the last time that name was spoken aloud to me, it was twenty years ago, lol.

    He was, indeed, a good child actor.

    I hope he is enjoying life.

    Looks like it.


    I remember, as a boy, hearing my parents, grandparents, etc., talk about the news that someone passed away and always feeling like Who are these people? but now I am entering that zone.

    Someone pointed out to me 10 years ago that when we are thinking of a famous singer off the top of our head, we often go, “Uh, Britney Spears,” or “Justin Timberlake,” but this is the equivalent of people saying “Cher” and “Sting” when naming pop stars when we were kids.

    • AliceOPMA
      5 months ago

      Thanks for the photos. Wild isn’t it? You are spit on. I remember my mom doing that a lot. She’d be like oh no so and so died.

      And im like who the fuck is that? I never heard of them.

      Just crazy, you’d never think that time would go by that fast