This is all the things for me. I am not a Andrew Tate fan, but he is active in the men’s rights communities and MGTOW communities. This made my head explode so I thought it would be worth discussing.

  • airrowM
    11 months ago

    so I am also not keeping up to date on ecelebs like Tate, but have seen some of his vids. He was complaining about “modern Christianity” being “weak”. I kind of agree with this critique, but therefore reject this “modern Christianity” as false Christianity, and instead promote “traditional Catholicism” instead (or traditionalism instead of modernism). He converted to Islam because he thought the muslims were stricter, last I checked.

    Yes, the contradiction of him basically running quasi-criminal businesses (gambling, “modeling”) doesn’t make him a “model Christian”, if he were to become one; I suppose other such leaders like Trump might be open to certain criticisms as well from “traditionalist” viewpoints.

    Tate to me seems like the ideal “meathead”; he has the strength, he needs to be in an army or “fighting” somewhere. Not sure about him fighting the intellectual battles… he needs to team up with someone smart and push their views with strength. Tate has the strength, some other intellectual has the ideas, they need each other: the brains and brawn, or soul and body.