Brazil’s government decried the US after dozens of deportees arrived on a plane in handcuffs. The Brazilian justice minister called it a “blatant disrespect” of their rights.
Archived version:
Disclaimer: The article linked is from a single source with a single perspective. Make sure cross-check information against multiple sources to get a comprehensive view on the situation.
Don’t worry Brazil we also decry the US and we live here.
Don’t worry
Actually, do worry!
Other source for you: rightfully told the US planes to turn around and go home.
That link seems to suggest they then immediately caved and are now doing the opposite. Also, why would it be right to not let your own citizens back into the country after they get sent home? What, they’re supposed to say we don’t want them just put them into ghettos I guess?
The big issue here is they’re being treated as criminals who committed violent crimes and it’s a disgusting sight for everyone involved except racists. A lot of these people are innocent people, some who have been here for over 15-20 years and have entire lives and families in the US.
That’s why most of the talks here were around Colombia sending their Presidential plane to pick up their citizens. They weren’t rejecting the people, they were rejecting the way in which it was done.
Mexico is also doing similar things rejecting military aircraft, but still allowing the deliver of Undocumented immigrants. Sheinbaum has also been preaching a lot on welcoming everyone home, most of LATAM has had the same perspective from what I’ve read and seen.
The issue with this is, they are criminals. Entering the country without proper documentation or overstaying a visa is a crime. Columbia and Brazil can complain all they want about how they are being treated as criminals, it doesn’t change the fact that they are.
It’s a minor offense. Carrying a small fine and 6 months in jail.
How does that justify treating them as violent criminals?
They aren’t being treated as violent prisoners, they are being treated as prisoners. Military aircraft are being used for their very large carrying capacity, and handcuffs are probably used on the actually violent people, not everyone.
Please source that claim. All the news reports I saw reported the opposite.
AFP reported talking to two people, the first had been in detention for 7 months before being deported in handcuffs and with tied feet, which would imply he was facing criminal charges in the US for something instead of just recieving the NTA. He was also not given water on the flight and not allowed to use the restroom, possibky due to his bound state. The second did not mention handcuffs at all and was complaining about no AC on the military aircraft. There appear to be no other interviews, no video footage of the flight or the people being ordered off the flight, and other news articles are citing the AFP for their reports of handcuffs and mistreatment.
We are all guilty of crimes at some point. Maybe speeding, or parking somewhere without permission, driving when you may be intoxicated, taking some office supplies home, not noticing that your license plate had expired, a million other things.
The point is that any one of us could be arrested and convicted if the authorities decided it was worth their while to.
You are in favor of these people being deported without even judicial review, because you are in no danger of being harmed by the government’s actions. Yet.
People are given parking tickets, liscense suspensions, citations and fines all the time, if you illegally enter the country and are caught, you get deported.
I AGREE that overstaying your Visa is a Crime! UNLESS You’re Rich in which case you’re allowed to Buy the Presidency even if you overstay your Visa!
Oh Elon should fuck off too, he is actively damaging important government institutions.
Were they convicted of a crime? If you’re gonna be technical, you smug little shit, you technically have to be convicted of a crime to be a criminal. None of them were, so they weren’t criminals.
“ If caught within 100 miles of the U.S. border, where U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) patrols, they can place you in expedited removal proceedings; in other words, deport you quickly, without a hearing.
If caught deeper within the United States, you will likely be placed into removal proceedings in immigration court and charged with being either “removable” or “inadmissible” under U.S. immigration law. Prior to the first court hearing, called a “master calendar” hearing, you should receive a Notice to Appear (“NTA”), along with charging documents and a Notice of Hearing in Removal Proceedings. These documents will state the immigration-related charges against you and the date and time to appear in immigration court. “
Though I suspect this will change soon.
That says nowhere that you become a criminal. You went to all the trouble to look it up, only for it to agree with me.
Oh I’m not arguing if they are convicted or not. It simply doesn’t matter.
The issue with this is, they are people. Entering the country without proper documentations or overstaying a visa does not change that. The US can complain all it wants about the rest of the world wanting them to treat these people with basic dignity, it doesn’t change the fact they deserve their basic dignity.
I would say they are, the deported people aren’t being starved, nor mistreated. They commited the crime and are now being caught and deported as punishment for said crime.
Mods ban me if you must:
I endorse this comment.
Sadly the problem isn’t going to solve itself like that. We need to channel that anger into action. There are many non-violent actions we’ve yet to try (including a general strike) but they’ll take lots of organization. Violent options may be needed as a last resort as well, if history is any indication. Hopefully there’ll be support from the rest of the world.
They changed/updated the article because events changed in between the time it was posted and you reading it. The link has the original headline in it.
I’m not sure i like that. It kind of rewrites history in a way.
Yeah, I keep reading about the rejections and thinking about how many people might have lived if the rest of the world had just accepted the deported Jews from Germany.
what about if the world had tackled the threat of Hitler sooner? do you think MORE caving in and capitulation was the lesson we should have learned?
I think taking people who need a place to be is a primary step. You can do both.
A fair point. I hope we do.
“blatant disrespect” of their rights… Yeah, that’s the subtext of this administration.
Trump II: blatant disrespect of their rights.
Coming to an everywhere near you!
This is going to have such long lasting impact
All that influence and goodwill the US accumulated after WWII is going to dust
As Putin planned.
Not to forget Xi. This doesnt happen without Pooh bear. They have played US for absolute fools.
Don’t worry too much over it. Many of us understand it’s only your president deciding on your behalf. Bridges can be rebuilt when you get a decent person in office. We depend too much on each other to let one single man with a stupid agenda break us apart. Funnily enough, it seems Trump is uniting everyone below the border. I don’t think he projected that far into the consequences.
But then every 4 years there’s basically the risk of shit hitting the fan again. Any agreement or treaty or deal can be just dropped if the next guy doesn’t like it. Very little incentive for anyone to agree to anything in that case.
Yes. Very little reason to trust the United States now. Countries will tend to get very transactional with the US, and shift their allegiances to China or EU
Bridges can be rebuilt when you get a decent person in office.
This the major defect of US governance that is being laid bare now. American presidentialism puts too much power on the hands of the president, which can result in schizophrenic foreign policy
It’s not just the president. Biden deported more people than trump did in his first term, Obama deported more than any president before him. The US empire continues regardless of who is in power. The only thing that changes is whether the fox smiles before he kills you or the wolf bares its teeth.
The children in cages at the border from the first time come to mind.
Honestly, I think that the kid cages is much worse. The kids didn’t make any of the decisions that put them in that position. They should be treated far better.
I was in a similar situation once and I sincerely appreciate your sympathy. The hostility is not worth it and I wish everyone crossing the border would have that vividly in mind going in. It’s easy to prioritize higher wages and a slightly more stable future for your children with complete disregard of your treatment. To a kid, that leaves a big mark. I have mine.
Always a good idea to separate trump supporters from the normal americans who hate this stuff as much as the people it happens to.
Even with fascism having an uptick, most people hate this shit.
most people hate this shit.
Apparently, thats very much not true. Around 22% of Americans hate this shit, everyone else is too young or too sick/old to have an opinion, or really loves this shit, can’t get enough of it.
At least a few percent of voters were purged, possibly amounting to enough to have flipped the results of the EC.
Few percent, so like 24% hate this shit? Still weak.
I’m glad to be part of that 22%.
America can rot in hell for all I care at this point
Fuck that noise. I’m going down swinging at the fascist fucks to protect not only myself, but also the idiots who voted for them.
They may have elected monsters, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need protection from those same monsters.
It’s natural selection. If they don’t learn that their actions have consequences, they’ll never change
Where did you pull that statistic from ?
From the numbers of votes that were casted in the last election, and the number of people in America according to the US Census Bureau
Even with fascism having an uptick, most people hate this shit.
Plenty to hate it, but still not enough to act to keep it from happening, please continue to roast us until these fuckwhits can’t win an election…assuming we get more of those that are real
Just saying, it actually happened under Biden too:
And Obama, and would’ve happened under Harris. Democrats are not pro-immigration and I don’t think they’ve ever been in my working memory. I had family deported under Obama and the treatment was awfully degrading on so many levels. And yet this level of anti-immigration coming from Trumplethinskin is somehow worse. Fuck the dude.
It sucks because it’s performative.
“Look at me being mean to these poor people”.
The more terrible was more terrible than the less terrible. But at least I get to claim the moral high ground… Dumbass
Their first mistake was thinking Donnie Shitbag’s admin thinks they’re human. Their second mistake was thinking they care.
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Source? While they may have some corruption, they also have functioning judiciaries and laws in place to protect civil rights. It’s not like they just execute people for minor violations
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I uh, think they were talking about Brazil… Also it’s not exactly novel that governments care more about how other countries treat their citizens than they do about how they treat their citizens.
no you see “not USA” is this amorphous “other” where you get to pick and choose parts from different countries and jerk yourself off about how great USA is.
Frankly I’m impressed this guy knew so many countries.
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Weird how the population is fleeing in masse from such a utopia.
Undocumented immigration is not a felony, not even a misdemeanor. It’s a civil infraction, equivalent in severity to a traffic ticket.
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Brazil is full of nazis too, and they would do this exact same thing to another country.
Ask wannabe dictator Bolsonaro how things turned out to him in Brazil.
But you act like he didn’t have a huge number of people supporting him?