We don’t care if you’re gay - just say it.

  • splinterA
    8 months ago

    I mean, I assume it’s a normal pairing unless I’m told otherwise, statistically I’d be right the vast majority of the time.

    Fair enough, there are people out there who try to deliberately trick you into saying something they can be outraged about. That’s certainly not why I use it, it’s just a word that works and I don’t care to go into the personal details of my life with anyone anyway.

    “Friend” is just as ambiguous though.

    I don’t see why you can’t be polite and courteous if someone used partner, for me it’s just a sign that I should avoid conversation about their personal life in general, I don’t find anything wrong with that. Not everyone likes sharing the details of who they’re with, how long they’ve been together, etc, especially if you’re someone they’ve just met.