We reached the point (some time ago) where the save icon being a floppy disk makes absolutely no sense to anyone born after a certain time. We could choose a more modern media format and use an icon of that instead, but we would run into the same problem once that media becomes obsolete.

What is a good icon for the function of saving something that can easily be understood by anyone regardless of language or the march of time?

Edit: I know it’s not really an answerable question and is hard but the question is what would you come up with if tasks to design an icon. Given the constraints of the question, what are your best shots at coming up with something that fills the requirements and why do you thing it would work?

  • anon6789@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    Or just the hard drive by itself. Is a platter drive old fashioned these days?

    Also a safe would be a decent choice.

      • anon6789@lemmy.world
        29 days ago

        I mean I’m in my 40s now, but we still have spread sheets, Word documents, and web pages don’t we?

        And I think everyone still knows hard drives are at least a thing? I can buy people in their early 30 or under never used a floppy, but we’ve all used some form of hard disk.

        Also, I noticed no argument of the safe suggestion, and I hazard a guess many fewer of us have used an actual safe than a hard disk, especially a safe with a big swinging lock, but I think the majority could get the intent of putting something in a safe. Perhaps an open safe with an arrow going in if we want to be grandiose about it? 😉